Don't wait for me

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Author's Point of View


>>I'm sorry sir, it's time to close up now<<

Jungkook looked understandingly to the waiter of the cafe, his target reading the name ''Joe''. Jungkook nodded, getting up

>>Alright. Thanks for waiting a bit more to close the pastry<<

>>That's the least for an habitual costumer. Where's your boyfriend? You always come together<<

The words got struck in his throat, struggling to come out

>>He- must've forgot to meet me<<

Jungkook faked a laugh

>>Must remind him next time<<

The bar tender laughed too, and waved at Jungkook when he left, his coffee still untouched on the table, as well as a plate of brioche au chocolat for a certain someone who he had been waiting for. Jungkook really did think Jimin would've showed up, all this act must've done something terrible to the older boy because the younger knew that Jimin would've never ever left someone hanging like that. He dragged himself to the bus stop, strangely crowded that night, a crowd that consisted in two oldies and four teenagers. He climbed up, and went to seat himself at the last seat on the left, sighing, and looking out the window. He closed his eyes, hoping that stretching a tiny bit his hand to the side, he could've felt Jimin's arm, like always, because the seat beside him was always occupied by his lover, and now even the empty spot was left for Jimin, but he wasn't there to warm it up. Jungkook glanced at his side, but of course no one was beside him, he was left all alone. 

''That's strange, I see all blurry''

  The boy's head fell forward, hanging low, and he pressed both of his palms on his face, rubbing his eyes  with eagerness, getting his tears all smeared on his skin while giving a meek laugh to bantering at himself, and how pitiful he looked. He suppressed an hiccup with one hand on his mouth, and even though he was trying to dry away the wetness under his eyes, the tears kept silently cascading down his cheeks terribly quick. Suddenly he felt the seat beside him being occupied, so he glanced to the side


The boy hiccupped desperately. For a moment he thought it would be Jimin, the one always ready to talk things out, to be here for his boyfriend. Aside from now


He mumbled looking her in the eyes

>>Where's Jimin? Do you know where he's sleeping? Did he come back to get his things at least?<<

Hae Soo shook her head with trembling lips, but didn't shed a tear, she had cried too much, and her puffy red eyes were the proof of that. She fished out a packet of tissues, handing it to Jungkook

>>We have no idea of where he is. I'm sorry..Mom is trying to convince father to get Jimin back, but he won't reason, and Jimin doesn't reply to his cellphone, I don't know what to do<<

>>He replied to me, but just once<<

He whispered to her, and her eyes widened hopefully, a hope he was sad to turn off with great immediacy

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now