Not Ready

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Jimin's Point of View

09 February, Sunday


I was aware that I had put the clock's alarm on for six am, but nonetheless hearing it loudly ''shouting'' in my hears, echoing in my still numb and drowsy head, got me shook. I groaned, rolling to the side, pushing off of my waist Jungkook's arm, and holding myself on my forearms, I searched tentatively for the clock on the bed side table, in hope to press the button that would've shut down that hell of a device. Accomplished my mission after some attempts, I dropped my face down back on the pillows with a sigh. I then moved my head to the side when I felt the need to breathe. Jungkook didn't look a bit fazed by the loud sound, not even the slightest sign that the noise had in some way affected his deep sleep. I eyed him adoringly, since he looked like an angel while sleeping. But I knew he was the devil himself under that cute face of his. I trailed my fingers from the top of his head and through his hair, to the back of his neck, where I proceeded to do vice-versa to the top. After a bit he stiffened a little, shifting slightly and opening his eyes, before shutting them completely

>>Morning Kookie<<

He didn't answer to my greeting, pretending to be still asleep. I shook my head, giving him a pat on the shoulder

>>I know you're awake dumbass, I saw you opening your eyes<<

He grumbled, fixing his eyes on me, annoyed

>>Come on, get up<<

>>I do not want to leave yet<<

I bit my lip while getting off of the mattress


>>I know<<

>>Then don't be immature and get up, please<<

>>I really don't want to<<

I ran an hand through my hair. Here the devil was showing his ugly face again. I gripped the sheets, throwing them to the end of the bed, so that Jungkook would be exposed

>>Fuck, it's cold Jimin!<<

>>Keep your voice down!<<

>>Fuck you<<

I gasped at his words. He never said something like that to me. But I guessed that he was just being stubborn, and still sleepy. What a child. Oppa who? He picked the shirt laying on the chair, slipping it on from his head

>>Why were you even half naked?<<

>>You're too Jimin<<

>>Yeah, of course, but we both know why I stripped my clothes off. What about you?<<

>>I thought I had already told you that I get myself undressed while sleeping. I can get really hot at night<<

>>You're always hot<<

>>Can't deny, but that's not what I meant babe<<

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now