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Author's Point of View


It was already midnight and Jimin couldn't sleep at all. He went from balling into his sheets to throw them on the ground kicking them huffing in annoyance. He just couldn't stop from thinking what the hell he was doing with Jungkook. It felt wrong for quite some reasons:

1. He knew him only from a week, and it was a really short time

 his parents for example had known each other for 3 years before actually starting dating, and he thought it was absolutely normal like that

2. Jungkook was absolutely too pretty for Jimin

3. It was going all too fast

4. Yoongi did not approve

And this was one of the main reasons, him and Yoongi never argued over anything and if it was the case it couldn't be a good thing in any way

5. All the previous points violated his love code (?)

6. He had no control of the situation nor his emotions

And on top of that:

7. Jimin was already falling for Jungkook.

The worst part was that Jimin knew all that shit, but still felt so attracted by Jungkook's aura, the situation he managed to create from who knows where, the atmosphere that changed when he was around. He simply couldn't stop, even if he knew. It was all so new to him, so surprisingly nice when he touched him, caressed him, kissed him. He felt safe yet in danger with him, and it was absolutely an amazing feeling. He wasn't himself. Chills run up his spine as he recalled the image of their passionate kisses on the bench. He never experienced something like that, it was so heated yet so sweet.

 Jungkook managed to make Jimin a mess of contradictions. And Jimin wasn't even aware of how much he liked all that.

He huffed turning for the umpteenth time on the mattress, eyes to the ceiling. He took his cellphone opening Instagram planning on scrolling down his home snooping other people's lives when he noticed the notification: '@Koooks_ mentioned you in his comment'

Jimin tapped on the screen waiting for the page to load and he held his breath for a moment at the photo. It was a picture of him sleeping slouched on the bus, while Jungkook took the selca circling his shoulders and smiling, looking very entertained and enjoying the situation. The caption said '@Chimnamon95 A rice cake covered with a scarf'

Jimin giggled at the text, and the photo was pretty even if he was sleeping.

'@Koooks_ I'm not a rice cake!😡😡😡'

He took a screen of the image

Less than a minute later a new notification popped on the screen

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now