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Jimin's Point of View


>>And so, I was thinking that maybe you would've liked to come with us this Saturday?<<

Jungkook asked looking at me from the nearest edge of the table we were seating at with Yoongi and Taehyung, who looked at me expectantly

>>I'll ask my parents, if they are okay I'm okay too<<

Jungkook, who was holding my hand under the table, tightened his grip making me look down at our interviewed fingers and then back at his face which however was directed to Taehyung, stretched in one of the widest bunny smiles I've ever saw him show. I felt a bit of something displeasing at the pit of my stomach at the sight of them

>>Can I come along too?<<

I turned with wide eyes and extremely surprised at the request. Jungkook didn't answer just because Taehyung had been faster

>>Yeahh! That will be great!<<

I nodded my head agreeing, that would become a chance for Yoongi and Kookie to get to know each other a little, and maybe befriend..but maybe I was just being too much optimistic. I munched on my sandwich liking the taste of the mayonnaise with bread and ham. Jungkook was drinking from his coke can, I traced his profile with my eyes, beginning to look how his lips pressed on the cold material, how his adam apple bobbing up e down, how his neck looked manly and..actually sexy, how his jawline was as sharp as a knife. I blushed at my own thoughts

What am I even thinking about! That's bad, that's bad.

Jungkook eyed me worriedly

>>Baby are you okay? You're as red as a tomato<<

He placed his hand on my cheek to feel if I was feeling too hot

>>Jiminie you're fucking burning, do you feel good or nah??<<

I nodded my head, face heating up more at the thought of him worrying about me having a fever or something when actually my only problem was him being too hot.

>>Are you sure? Absolutely sure?<<

>>Extremely sure<<

He inspected me closely, my breath inching, maybe he could've understood wat was wrong with me at that very moment, he was so good at reading my mind that I felt ashamed, so I leaned back not to be too close to him, avoiding eye contact. Jungkook frowned in confusion

>>What's wrong, seriously!<<

An arm circled my shoulder protectively

>>You're making him uncomfortable, that's just it<<

Yoongi's deep and raspy voice was the one to speak. I met Jungkook's stare with uncertainty, he had his jaw clenched a little, but it disappeared as fast as it came as he searched for something in my eyes. He sighed

>>If that's the case<<

And he finally backed away, my breath returning to his normal peace. Yoongi's embrace was fast gone, as the atmosphere changed to a calmer one. I searched tentatively for Jungkook's hand under the table, but it wasn't there anymore. A tall boy approached our table..well, he mostly approached Taehyung and Jungkook placing his arms around their shoulders

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now