[45] Liar Liar Liar

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Jimin's Point of View


I knew this was eventually going to happen. They did it with Yoongi too. Put him through a sorta of examination thing. I don't know why they did it, but I had my theories about that: to know with who I spent my time, what kind of background do they had and, mostly, if I may had some sort of relations with them other than a friendly one. That's also why they let me bring people so often at home, to see, to control. Same for the dinning invitation. That's not like they were unpleasant, once they got to know my friends they usually liked them. That time I was worried though. That time I had something to hide, and Soo knew too much. I was just fearing that Jungkook couldn't handle the situation.

We sat around the table in the kitchen, Jungkook placed himself beside me, looking composed and calm. I would've melted in his place. 

>>Where's dad?<<

Soo asked from her chair in front of me

>>Oh he's coming, I'm sure<<

I told her. Meanwhile mom was preparing the dishes. About two minutes later the front door opened, and dad's voice announced his return home. He came directly towards the kitchen, the calm smile he had on his face faltering a bit when he saw Jungkook

>>Dear, we have a guest<<

He gave an hint of a nod, before joining us and sitting at his usual place, which was between me and mom

>>I'm sorry for the bother sir, I'm Jimin's friend<<

Jungkook politely said getting up and bowing with respect towards my father. I looked down, even if Jungkook's manners were perfect, I still feared dad's reaction. He however smiled to him

>>Not so formal, It's not like I'm an old man<<

Here he was, trying to make people comfortable

>>And what's your name?<<

>>Jeon Jungkook<<

>>Jeon? That Jeon's son?<<

Jungkook nodded, like he knew what dad was talking about, and he probably did, unlike me

>>Oh, I see, that's good<<

He mumbled. Soon after the food was placed on the table for everyone to take, and it was delicious as always. Mom was a great cooker. The first plate was a delicious soup.

>>Oh tell me<<

Mom cooed before going on

>>How did you two become friends?<<

I remembered the scene really vividly, and thinking about that now, it was kinda funny. I hoped he wouldn't mention the exact true story, about JuanCock etc. He laughed softly, covering his mouth, and looking at mom afterwards

>>You know, it's kind of a funny story<<

He started. I gulped when he glanced at me

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