Bidibi Bodibi Drunk

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Autor's Point of View


Namjoon's car stopped to pick Jimin and Yoongi up, Jungkook and Taehyung being already there. Namjoon and Taehyung where in the front seats while Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook in the passengers seats. The radio blasted rap music (AKA CYPHER) at high volume, which was enough to make Jimin worry about what were his parents going to think about his new friends and all the resulting sermons he was surely going to put up with. Jungkook had his hand placed on the brunette's thigh, making the latter uncomfortable, not only because of the gesture but mainly because of the other people in there. He just hoped he wouldn't do anything more than that, but maybe he also wanted the opposite. 

>>Guys who's gonna drive all of us back home??<<

Jungkook asked, but Namjoon and Taehyung couldn't hear him, so he raised his voice



The actual driver screamed in return and Jungkook rolled his eyes


Jungkook smacked Taehyung's head taking his attention




Yoongi screamed startling the other four boys. Lowered the volume Jungkook spoke again

>>Joonie, you know this means you're not going to drink?<<

Namjoon nodded making Taehyung and the youngest of the group exchange a not so sure glance. They knew he would absolutely drink something. Anything. Because there was the cute barista named Jin, and Namjoon wouldn't admit it but they knew too well he had a soft spot for the sparkly fairy who really Jin was. Jungkook landed closer to Jimin to whisper in his ear

>>Baby, ask Yoongi if he's okay with driving us home. Namjoon is going to be so fucking drunk that I bet my ass that we're going to be lucky if we don't need to take him to the hospital<<

  Jimin gulped at the thought of a drunk Namjoon driving  

>>Why don't you ask him? <<

he replied, Jungkook tilted his head

>>He hates me..I won't ask him<<

>>Just try to be friendly Kookie, I bet you two will become great friends<<

Jungkook sighed and much to his discomfort tapped the blonde's shoulder taking his attention, and whispering to him

>>Yoongi, are you okay with taking us home later? I doubt Namjoon's ability to drive after the club<<

Yoongi gritted his teeth

>>It's Yoongi hyung deepshit<<

Jungkook held himself from punching the boy in front of Jimin, and tried to be mild

TENDER TOUCH - JiKook/KookMin (English)Where stories live. Discover now