Fairytail fanfic 2: Hatred all over again (nalu)

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I am finally back! Well, here is the new book. If you are confused anywhere, I suggest you read my first book:

Fairytail fanfic 1: The tale of the celestial queen (nalu)

Got that? Great! Here is the first chapter!!



Chapter 1: Moving on with our lives

Lucy's POV

It has been a week since the incident. As soon as Suzori said Laura's last name, he disappeared, into tiny little sparkles. We presumed that he was dead. I have to investigate on Laura's last name, but it will be a long time till that happens. Although I can't believe her last name is Heartfillia.

When we got back to the guild, I collapsed. I awoke later, seeing that my body was patched up. Mira told me that I will have to stay in bed, because I was still gravely injured.

You see, after my 'celestial god' powers took over that time, it temporarily allowed me to move. In fact, I was basically half-dead. Rosa, Kuran and Yori were granted permission to become members of Fairytail. I was still sleeping then. They then went on a long-term job, and haven't returned yet. That also means that they don't know that i'm awake, now.

Now to the present time, I awoke in the ward's bed, groaning. My natural alarm was the ruckus caused by the guild every morning. My head felt like it was being banged on a wall. It hurt a lot, let me tell you.

"I wonder if the guild is still afraid of me, from back then." I said with an evil smirk. I painfully got up, and pulled the door open.

"YOU BASTARDS BETTER SHUT THE FUCK UP BEFORE I GO INTO SCARY LUCY MODE!!!!!" I yelled. I smirked, when I saw that my plan worked. The guild became silent to my great intention.

"That means that she isn't scary now......." shuddered Happy.

I went back into the room, and lay peacefully on my bed.

I awoke three hours later, to the constant pokes of a finger. The finger roamed and poked my forehead, continuously. What the hell! I am not Sasuke, damn it! And I know that I don't have a brother named Itachi who is sooo fearful just because he pokes foreheads! I furiously grabbed the finger, and pulled it, causing the mysterious person to come closer. I then, with my eyes still closed, flicked the person's forehead, hard.

I heard a bang, some curse words and then a yelp. Or was it a yelp,a bang and then the curse words? Meh, who cares. But still, I recognized who the person was, or persons, I should say.

"What the hell, Natsu, Gray!" I said, snapping my eyes opened.

"Uh Lucy! We thought you were dead, because you hadn't move for three hours!" complained Natsu. I looked around and saw Gray with his butt up, and his head on the floor. Erza, Wendy, Happy, and Charle stood by.

"Erza, don't tell me you were with it." I groaned.

"Yeah....about that." said Erza sheepishly.

"So why didn't you call Mira or Master? Huh, Einstein?" I asked. She shifted uncomfortably. I sighed but I was soon tackled onto the bed.


"Oh, so this is the greeting I get from waking up from an ancient sleep? How welcoming!" I said sarcastically.

"Really? That's great news!!" said Natsu. Was he dense or something?! Oh yeah, it looks like my brain was asleep for so long, it forgot Natsu was stupid. I looked at Gray. He must know I was joking!

"I thought you would hate us!" breathed in Gray. Really?! Really Gray?! 'Erza, please tell me you understand.' I hoped in my head.

"Yeah, I agree. I never thought you would like this greeting!" said Erza happily.

"Lucy-san likes it!" exclaimed Wendy.

"Agreed." said Charle.

"Oh for the love of... nevermind. No matter how hard I try, you guys just don't get it." I sighed. I held my head, as the others watched each other in confusion.

"You said something?" asked Natsu.

"OK. I SHALL SAY IT NOW! OH FOR THE LOVE OF THE GREAT SPIRIT KING, WHAT ZA FUCK?!" I shouted. Natsu tsked and shook his head. Gray pointed his finger and did a ' I am disappointed' pose.

"That's the third time you're cursing, young lady."  said Gray. (the love of spirit king thing was considered a curse by Gray)

"LIE! It was two swear words! And its swear words, not curses!" protested Natsu.

"Shut up! I wasn't talking to you!"

"Yes you were!"

"It's yes you was!"

"baka! it's were!"

"There it it is! A lie! I am not stupid!"

"Prove it then!"


"Don't ask me!"

"But you asked me to!"

"That's a lie!"

I shook my head. They went from the number of curses to asking each other to prove something. I smiled, knowing that these people where my friends. I slowly got out of bed, carefully trying to ease my pain.

"Lucy-san! Are you sure you could manage?" asked Wendy.

"It's fine." I replied. I walked into the main part of the guild. They cheered, as Levy came crying to me.

"Lu-chan was really hurt! I didn't get to talk to you!!" she sniffed.

"Levy-chan! I am alright!!" I said happily. I was glad that I had caring people with me.

Master came up with tears in his eyes, as Mira hugged me, tightly. Everyone decided that 'hey, she needs a hug!' and no one was like ' omg, I hope she's okay to take a hug, considering she's in so much pain and all.' So as expected, everyone just hugged me.

"Can't....breath!!" I spit out.

"Ah! Sorry Lucy!"

"My apologies."

"I hurt Lu-chan!"

I smiled gently to everyone in Fairytail.

"Guys, thank you, so much. Yes, it hurts like hell just for me to speak to you, and I really should be in bed, because my wounds are still deep. But, i am grateful for a family like you! You guys are so caring and loving! I truly missed you guys, and it hurt a lot when i couldn't get up and say hi." I said.

"Oh! Lucy! We love you too!" They cheered.

"Oh yeah, one more thing, yes? About me being scary and all, here's a warning. If you ever do something bad, and i mean bad, just expect her, k?" I smiled sweetly. "Just know that you don't mess with me."

"Yes ma'am." they replied.

"Yosh!! How about a party, right?" I asked.



Next Chapter: Alone

Summary: Everyone was so kind, but something, or someone, brings it down. Experience the sorrow that Lucy goes through, and the pain, literally.

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