Chapter 14: War is on! I thought it was mine?!

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Chapter 14: War is on! I thought it was mine?!

Natsu's POV

I can't believe today was the war! I was sweating a lot. Not only that, Lucy wants to murder me!

"Errr, Flame brain, I think you are actually overheating." pointed out Gray. I did a 'what the hell does it look like stupid' face. That ass, can't he see that I AM overheating?!

"Popsicle, did Poluchka finish the remedy yet?" I asked. Gray shook his head.

Poluchka had been up all night doing her research, but the transferring and setting of the antidote took more time than expected. She's trying so hard....maybe because she doesn't want to be dead.

"I don't think that she will be done anytime soon." worried Wendy.

"No worries, we should be able to pull this off!" cheered Erza,"Master. tell them what to do from here!"

Master cleared his throat and stepped up. Everyone had to listen attentively.

"Naturally, on the front line, I would put Team Natsu, but considering Lucy's command, I will have to change it. Listen attentively to your placement and timing! " shouted Master, as he called out the information.

"FIRST LINE: Natsu and Lisanna.

SECOND LINE: Erza, Gray, Wendy, Gajeel, Juvia, Cana, Mirajane, Levy, and all other S-class exams participants. Since Laxus recently came back from a job, I am also recruiting him on the second line.

THIRD LINE: Macao, Jet, Droy, Laki, and the rest of the guild. I shall be partaking  in all lines, to make sure no one is hurt.

TIMING: First line will move in, and Lucy shall move according to her planning. Second line shall be right behind first line, in close proximity. I reckon Lucy would create some monsters, and you all shall fight them, and First line should be with Lucy.

Third Line, should also be behind Second line. They will fight monsters that will overpower some second lines, depending on the numbers. Our motive is to try to get Lucy to take the remedy.

Happy, Charle, and Pantherlily, listen up. Happy, you should go with Natsu, as he uses your fighting power. Charle and Pantherlily should stay with Poluchka. When the potion is done, you two are to fly here as fast possible, and one of you shall give the potion to Natsu.

Both of you can return to your mage. Natsu will try to get Lucy alone, Lisanna shall fall into Second line and fight monsters. Natsu, listen to Charle or Pantherlily's instructions from Poluchka, and follow.

While all of this is going on, I want Team Natsu from second line to be in close proximity with Natsu and Lucy, however, knowing Lucy, monsters will attack. So you will move closer, and fight them, but I mainly want you guys to look at what's going on with Natsu. Sting and Rogue! Listen up! You will be in the second line. You hear me? Do exactly what Team Natsu is doing, so you're basically in that team for now.

If anything goes wrong, I want Charle to immediately report to me IF the lacrima that I will give to you isn't working. IS EVERYTHING CLEAR?" Master summed up.

Everyone was amazed at his quick thinking, but something bothered me.

"Wait! I know that Lucy will not be with me alone until Lisanna is near her. Lucy will not give up on Lisanna. So what should we do?" I asked. Master realized that it was true.

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