Chapter 10: !!And i'm with this guy, why?

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So ummm, I have a question: Should I make Natsu and Lucy together in this book or the nxt?

Send in  ur answers plz..



Chapter 10: !!! And i'm with this guy, why?

I sweat-dropped.

Why was Rogue in my house?!

"Uhh, Rogue.....if you must know, I am not to be seen." I said with a straight face. He sat on a chair and faced me.

"I know, I just wanted to be with you when you came back. Sting is giving me a headache right now, and I knew you would return here, so might as well make use of you." he said boredly. "Besides, I ain't telling Sting you came back or I will be so damn annoyed with him."

"Fine." I huffed," So, what do you want to do?"

"Do you know any shadow magic?" asked Rogue. I blinked twice. Shadow magic? Wait a damn second, I think I know where this is going..... He lied, he didn't come here because he was bored, he came because he wanted to know a spell! Why that little cheese stick.

"Well, a guy knew shadow magic, but I didn't see most, only a few. So I can only copy two or three." I said.

"Copy it? What are you a copy magic wizard?" he asked.

"I....I guess, everytime I see someone use a spell, I can do it with a bit of training afterwards. However, the only magic I copied so far was shadow and some others." I said.

"So what magic abilities do you have now without copying?" he replied.

"Let's see....I can do summons of weapons, I have a celestial god's power, and...." I pondered. "I have others but I can't remember, they just come and go, and new ones come everyday!"

"I see, well two spells are good enough!" concluded Rogue.

"Why do you ask?" I replied. I knew why of course, but I wanted to hear it from his dirty lying mouth. Rogue put on a 'I am so desperate' face.

"Look, I can't believe i'm doing this, but can you teach me them?" he asked. I smiled but I smirked.

"Sure, but I want to wager." I said." Don't tell anyone that I came back, and i'm here I my apartment for sleeping only."

"Deal." said Rogue, as we shook hands.


Rogue was in the middle of training, while I watched him. I showed him a spell, and he insisted that he will try and learn it from watching. I knew that men like him were stubborn.

I came back to reality when I realized that he just did the spell.

"Wow." I complimented.

"It's only because I already had the shadow ability, plus i'm a slayer, giving me more advantage." He said.

I nodded. I closed my eyes in pain when a bright golden light appeared next to me, and Loki and Virgo stepped through.

"Princess, the King would like to see you." said Virgo.

"Uhhh, sure." I said. "Rogue, I have to go. Also, don't mention this to Sting."

"Whatever." he replied.

As me and the spirits disappeared, I said to Rogue.

"Don't forget our bet."

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