Chapter 6: I think i shot, and i scored

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I have been waiting for this scene to happen!! KYA! Omg, I never thought the day would come where Gray and someone would meet while Lucy was on a date..... Yeah!!!!!



Lucy's POV

We had just finished the job, and we succeeded quite easily. Erza went to report to Master, while the rest of the team sat at the table. Gray was looking awfully fidgety, and it made me suspicious.

"Gray, You okay?" I asked. He glanced up, and looked like he gave up. He grabbed me by the arm and dragged me outside the guild, leaving poor Wendy inside. He stopped under a blossoming tree.

"Gray?" I asked, confused. Gray sighed and looked at me, his face flushed red.

"Lucy....will you go on a d-date with me?" He asked shakily. I blinked at him. A date?

"You mean where the two of us go on a casual occasional outing?" I asked. He looked dumbfounded, but recovered.

"Uh, yes, whatever you could call it...." He replied.

"Okay!" I said cheerfully. "So when and where?"

"I'll meet you at your place at 6-ish." said Gray. I nodded before skipping of inside the guild.

Gray's POV

I can't believe she didn't think I was actually meaning a DATE. Oh well, it's probably because her father taught her what a 'proper' date was, and she thought it was a casual meeting.

But she must know that a 'date' in our language is one where you and a guy go out and have fun and there Is a chance of the two getting closer. Anyways, I can't wait for this is evening!

I knocked on her door, waiting. The door opened and Lucy looked more stunning than usual. She smiled beautifully, as she stepped out.

"Hey." I said. I mentally slapped myself. Hey? Is that the best I can do??

"Hi." she replied, giggling. Great! Now my date's laughing at me!!

"Shall we?" I asked, as I stretched my hands towards her. She accepted it, as the two of us walked down side by side. Earlier, I had booked a restaurant, and then we were going to take a walk to the beach. I led Lucy to the restaurant. She was surprised, but we all walked in and sat down.

Lucy giggled at me, as I stared at her like she was loco. When the food came, we ate. As I drank my wine, she giggled again, but louder.

"Err, Lucy? Are you okay?" I asked. She didn't reply, as she continued with her food. Every now and then, she would look at me and giggle. We were done, as the waitress come to check the bill. I felt very uncomfortable, as the waitress was eyeing me. I shifted, and I looked at Lucy.

She was drinking her drink, and did not notice yet.

"So, handsome. May I get your order?" asked The waitress. I was lost, wasn't I suppose to get a bill? Lucy took notice of the waitress. Lucy held her wine glass in between her fingers, as she smirked at the waitress.

"I don't know if you notice, but we're waiting for our bill." said Lucy smoothly. That was real cool.The waitress was slightly taken back.

"Really? I thought maybe you might want another item." said the waitress, clearly showing us that she was the item.

"That's fine. Besides, I don't remember seeing any pig on the menu, so why are you advertising yourself?" asked Lucy, glancing at the waitress. Nice one Luce! The waitress was too shocked to move. Lucy got up, and a waitor came to her.

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