Chapter 2- Alone

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Next Chapter is here. Gosh, i feel so bad. Why? Because it feels weird starting a new book to my first one....yeah. Probably all writers go through that. I think i'm normal, yeah. Sure.



Chapter 2: Alone

Lucy's POV

It was the next day, of course continuing from when i woke up. I awoke in the ward, feeling the sun rays of the morning sun seeping through the blinds. The birds chattered, and i somehow found it interesting. I heard excessive chatter from outside the ward, more noise that normal.

Being the curious person i am, I painfully got up, as usual, and opened the door, wincing as my wounds tried to cope with me. I saw everyone surrounding someone. Some people were crying, like Mirajane and Elfman, and some people were overjoyed.

I looked around and saw Erza and Gray, who seemed happy, and Charle and Wendy, who seemed lost, but someone fed them information and Wendy, being, Wendy, was a bit happy. I saw Happy too, and he had a look of.....disgust?

Levy was crying too. I wonder what happened? Then i remembered, where's Natsu? I soon saw him, looking extremely shocked, and soon broke out into tears. What was going on?

"Oh! Lucy, come here!!" said Mira. "This is.... Lisanna, the one that was my sister."

I was shocked, so this person who i was yet to see was Lisanna? The girl who was a childhood friend of Natsu's, and a sister? I was happy, because i would be if i were in Mira's situation. Lisanna, as i guessed correctly, walked up smiling. She was the same height as I, and had short white hair. Lisanna looked gentle, friendly was the word.

"You must be Lucy." she said, and i was taken back. She smiled, but the way she said my name, she had a bit of hatred in her voice. I raised one eyebrow.

"Correct. Mira told me that you were Lisanna?" I asked. She nodded slightly. Natsu came running up and engulfed Lisanna in one of the biggest bear hugs I've ever seen.

"You're back!!!!!" He said happily. Everyone else cheered.

'Happy!! Come here!" said Lisanna, gingerly. Happy lowered his head, as he slowly flew past me. I had a questioning look. Why was everyone so happy, and yet Happy was blue? Wait, blue as in emotions, not color. And happy as in emotions and not the actual Happy. Gosh, now it's confusing.

I was thinking for so long, that Happy went past me again, as he sat angrily near a bench, pushing a plate of fish away.


I sat at the bar, a bit sad. Ever since Lisanna came, it was like i was invisible. Everyone ignored me, even Levy and Mira. I was quite shocked when i came out of the ward as i had a serious pain earlier, and some people didn't even remember me! I sighed, why was everyone so...far away?

I got up and walked through the fighting guild, which was not surprising, and was thrown out of my tracks, when a whole boatload of people fell on me. I got up, clutching my sides in extreme pain. No one even said sorry!! I groaned as i felt light headed. I slowly got up, and walked my way into the ward, again.


I felt much better, so i decided to go home, and not be a bother in the ward. I saw Mira at the bar, and walked up.

"Hello Mira, is it okay for me to go home now, and not stay in the ward anymore?" I asked gently. I heard no response, so i coughed and repeated. Still no response. This time, i said it a little louder, for her to hear. She did hear me.

"Lucy, when did you become so loud?" she asked. I stared at her like she was some stupid cow, and with all my respect to her, I had to say that.

"So?" I asked impatiently.

"Sure, it's okay." she said, as she turned away. I was utterly shocked. I shook my head and walked home. I quietly opened my apartment door, looking to see if Natsu, Gray or Erza snuck in, but i saw no one.

It was quite weird, but i ignored it.


I walked to the guild, swaying a little from yesterday's fall, but i managed.

"Maybe we could do a job today! It's been so long!" I said joyfully. Inside the guild, i saw Natsu, Erza, Gray, Wendy, Charle, Happy and Lisanna at the request board.

"Natsu! Want to do a job?" I asked. Natsu and the others except for the exceeds and Lisanna stood awkwardly.

"Actually, we were kind of going on a job with Lisanna." He said. But wait, i could still come, right?

"Natsu, she can still come along! Doesn't matter how many people!" defended Happy. I was secretly overjoyed with his statement.

"But Lucy, you're still hurt, right? If something falls on you, you won't even be able to get up!" exclaimed Gray. He had a bit of sympathy in his voice, unlike Natsu's.

"But i am feeling better than the last couple of days...i should do okay!" I said.

"Yeah, and if something's wrong, Happy and I could carry her." said Charle.

"Yes, but it would be best if you don't come, Lucy." said Erza. She to had pity. She knows that I am capable, she just doesn't want me hurt. I huffed and nodded.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Great! Bye!!" said everyone, as the ran out and left. Wendy, Charle, and Happy waited.

"Lucy-san, do better okay? Make sure to take the medicine, and if you get any worse, just tell me! I will always be there for you!" smiled Wendy.

"Exactly as she says, although if you came, Wendy could still heal you, so i don't quite understand." sighed Charle.

"Lu-shee, feel better!" said Happy, as he hugged me. I smiled and ushered them to go.

It's been a week so far, and let me tell you, it's not been the best. I barely see Team Natsu, as they constantly keep going on missions with Lisanna, not even bothering to ask me if i'm okay and if i'm able to come. When i do ask them, they said i will get hurt. It's the same excuse over and over!

The only people who actually do bother with my existence is Wendy, Charle, and the Happy.Sometimes, Erza and Gray say hi, unlike some people. Once in a while, they would come and visit me at home, and so on.Everytime i would go to the guild, everyone else is so distant, even my friend Levy. It's actually sad, but i try.

I saw Natsu and the others walk in, and i jumped up, excited, although i regretted it as pain filled my body. My birthday was tomorrow, and i wanted it to be special. I also wanted to do a job with my team, after so long.

"Natsu!" I called. "Do you want to do a mission tomorrow?"

"We're kind of busy tomorrow." He said.

"But tomorrow is..... my birthday, and we haven't done any missions so i was wondering." I said sadly.

"Like i said, we're busy!" He snapped back.

"Yeah, we don't have any time, since we're on another job with Lisanna." said Erza.

"Exactly. Now run along." shooed Gray.

"Wait! But, i can still come! It's not going to be a problem!" I said with sadness.

"Lucy, gosh! I said we're busy! B-U-S-Y! Now we have jobs to do tomorrow and we don't have time." snapped Natsu. I nodded as they left. Happy stayed by my side, and so did Wendy and Charle.

"Lucy, can i still come over tomorrow? Maybe we can still celebrate?" asked Happy.

"Yeah, i don't feel like going with them." said Wendy.

"Thanks guys." i said half-heartedly.


Chapter 3: Broken away

Summary: So much for a birthday. It was supposed to be a joyful day, but Lucy learns something, that will scar her and make her do bad things.

Fairytail fanfic 2: Hatred all over again (nalu)Where stories live. Discover now