Chapter Five

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Conner's P.O.V.

I stand, watching the guests mill around the room. It was currently 10pm. Two hours till the opening of the Rosetta Stone. I watch Jaime walks over to me.

"Nothing yet?" I asks as he changes his sonicwave guns back to his hand.

"Nothing, hermano." He sighs. "I hope it stays that way."

"But it won't happen." I reply.

"Yep." He says "You doing alright?"

"Yea, I guess." I sigh "Just hoping that CatWomen, Harley, or Poison Ivy is here so I beat them."

"We don't even know if it's them, hermano."

"Anything over on your end?" I hear through my comm.

"Nothing, Nightwing." I sigh as Jaime flies back up to the ceiling to watch from up above.

~Time Skip~

Bart's P.O.V.

"See anyone Catlad?" I ask as Tim uses his infrared vision.

"No one is in the Rosetta Stone room but I can't see any Supers with this. Can Venus do that?" He replies.

I nod and we drop to a back entrance. Venus slithers down to the ground, digging under the door, slipping in.

We wait, hiding in the shadows incase someone else came out. Venus came slithering out a few minutes later.

"There are four heroes in there. But they're all young, so, no Batman." I say as Venus slithers back around my arm.

Tim nods and we drop down at the door. "Damn, it's locked." Tim mutters, searching a pocket "Where's my lock picking set?"

He searches a few more pouches before finding it. But before he could open it, a drunk man in a security guard outfits stumbles out.

"Who're you two beauty's?" This man asks, stumbling towards us.

Tim smirked. He walked up to the man and put a hand on his chest. "Who are you, beau~?" Tim says, putting a hand on his chest.

I walk around and slither my arm over his shoulder. "Yeah, what's your name." I say, smirking at Tim.

He smirks back as the guard chuckles. "Well, sweetheart. I am Adam." The guard chuckles drunkenly.

"Cute…" I start.

"But not our type." Tim continues, punching him in the nose.

He passes out with a broken nose as I slip the keys out of his pocket. "Lets get in." I say.

Tim nods and catches the keys. He shuffles through the keys and picks one, sticking it in the lock. Surprisingly, it unlocked the door.

"I still don't understand how you can do that, Dammit." I mutter as we both head in, closing the quietly behind us.

Tim chuckles quietly. "What can I say?" He replies "I'm just skilled like that."

I roll my eyes and follow Tim, planting sleeping flowers in every potted plant, having them grow around the main hall.

"Lets get going." Tim says, opening the Rosetta Stone door.

I nod and open the plants, slipping in after Tim.

Jaime's P.O.V.

Jaime Reyes, there is sleeping gas seeping into the room. Evacuate all the guests and have your teammates put oxygen masks on.

Startled by what the scarab says, I immediately take action.

"Blue Beetle to team. Sleeping gas is placed around the perimeter. Put your oxygen masks on and get the guests out of here!" I say I'm to my comm.

I fly down next to Conner. He had his oxygen mask on. I switch my hand to a speaker and look at Conner. He nods.

"Guests of Gotham Museum. Supergirl and Beast Boy are currently handing out oxygen masks to everybody. There is sleeping gas outside of these doors and is starting to seep in. We need you all to retreat in a orderly fashion. Go out the main entrance doors unless told otherwise." I say through the speaker, getting all of the guests attention.

I see the guests with oxygen masks immediately go for the front door while the rest without masks back away.

"Guys, we ran out of oxygen masks!"

"Crap." Conner mutters, looking at the rest of the guests.

"What'd we do?" Gar asks, running up to us.

"Have the guests with masks leave in small group. Then bring the masks they used back in and have the other guests use them. Supergirl, Blue Beetle and I will deal with Poison Ivy and Harley." Conner replies.

Gar nods in reply and runs back to the group by the doors. Cassie lands next to Conner and I. "Back doors, towards the Rosetta Stone." Conner says.

We follow him, quickly slipping out of the main room and into the hall. We close the doors and Cassie looks at the flowers seeping with gas. "Poison Ivy and Harley are after this for sure." She says, pulling her hand away from the flower.

"Lets go." Conner says gruffly, stalking towards the Rosetta exhibit.

Cassie and I make make eye contact before following him.

Tim's P.O.V.

"Are you almost done?" Bart asks again as I attempt to disable the alarm.

"Almost, Sumac." I reply, rolling my eyes

The machine beeps quietly and the lock and alarms disengage. I smile triumphly as we open the case. Bart picks up the medium sized stone and gently drops it into the pouch I have open. I tie the bag shut and hand it to Bart, who placed it in his belt so it doesn't get left behind if one of my other pouches open.

"I think we have enough time to get a few more gems, Catlad." Bart says, snapping the latch shut.

I smirk and nod. We head over to another box full of gems. Since all of the locks had already been disengaged, we simply just opened the box.

"Auntie Harley would like this one." I say, picking up a gem.

It was half black, half red, fading into each other. It was in the shape of a giant mallet.

Bart nods. "Auntie Selina would like this one." Bart says, picking up one.

Like before, this one was half black, half white, once again fading into each other. It was a cat licking its paw and it sort of looked like the Innocence was being drained from it.

"And finally, one for mum." Bart says, picking up another gem after handing me the other one.

The last one was completely green, made of jade probably, and it was shaped like a rose with a leave. I smile and shut the glass case as Bart slips the gem into the pouch with the others.

We turn around to face three heroes.

"This isn't Poison Ivy or Harley! Hell, this isn't even CatWomen!" The boy in the black t-shirt with a Superman symbol says.

I smirk and giggle. "Ohh, Sumac, we got ourselves some more dates!" I say, putting my hand on my whip.

"Definitely cuties." He replies "But I don't think Venus like any of them."

Venus growls and snaps her jaw in their direction. "As long as she doesn't hurt them too much." I say, stalking towards the girl "Now, who're you, cutie?"

I smirk as she blushes and flinches as I put a strand of her hair. "I-I, uh, I-."

She blushes darker as Bart wraps an arm around her shoulder. "Pretty girl." He says "But sadly, a hero"

Venus slither around her, tying her up, growing bigger, and tossing her out into the hands without her mask.

"Supergirl!" The other two yell.

They launch an attack at us. "Just like training, Catlad." Bart says.

"Tout comme la formation." I reply with a smirks.




I slip down, tripping Superboy while Bart jumps over and kicks Blue Beetle in the face. Bart runs over to battle Beetle while I stay with Superboy.

"Well, hi, beau~." I say, putting a hand on his chest as he stands.

"Who the hell are you?" He asks.

"Well, sweetie. I'm Catlad." I reply with a smirk.

3rd Person P.O.V.

Jaime gets up from where he is on the floor from being kicked. "Hello, handsome." Bart says, slipping an arm on Jaime's shoulder.

He growls. "Sumac, attention!"

Bart quickly moves off to the side, leaving Jaime confused until he looked forward. Conner crashed into him at full force. "Great job, Venus, protecting Catlad!" Bart says.

Jaime sits up, noticing Conner was passed out. "What're your names?" He asks weakly.

"Well, beau." Bart says "I'm Poison Sumac and that's Catlad."

"And we hope we'll be seeing more of you two around." Tim says, pressure pointing Jaime to knock him out.

"Lets get out of here." Tim says watching Bart pick up Venus.

"Alright." He replies "Get on my back and I'll take you to your bike."

Tim nods and climbs on Bart's back. Bart speeds out, leaving all of the sleeping supers alone.

~Villians HouseHold~

Tim pulls his bike up in the garage and watches as Bart runs in after him. "Sorry, Venus." Bart says, stroking Venus's dizzy head gently "All that wind must have dehydrated you. Let's go get you some water."

Tim parks his bike and closes the garage door.

"You made it back!"

The two boys trmurn around only to be squashed in a hug by the one and only Harley.

"Hi, Momma." Bart says, hugging back, careful of Venus lightly gripping to his arm.

"Hi, Auntie Harley." Tim says, giving a one armed hug.

She pulls the two of them into the house and to the Living Room. Selina looks up from feeding one of her cats. "Red, they're back!" She says, standing up and pulling the two of them into a hug.

"I'm not falling for that again!"

Harley rolls her eyes and drags the two of them to Ivy's lab. "But baby, they really are back this time." Harley says to her lover, making Ivy turn around.

Her eyes widens and a smile tugs at the corner of her lips as she, as well, pushing them into a hug.

The four of them then head back to the Living Room where Selina was waiting. They all sit, girls on the couch, the boys on a chair with Bart sitting on the arm of it.

"Did you kits get the Rosetta Stone?" Selina asks.

Tim looks at Bart who opens the latch on his belt. He pulls out a dirt covered bag and opens it, dumping the contents into Tim's hands. Tim catches the heart shaped gem and shows it to their parental figures. The girls beam with happiness.

"Great job, kiddos!" Harley says, pulling them both into another hug.

Tim and Bart smile as Harley kindly takes the gem, placing it on the end table.

"That's not all." Bart says, watching Tim open the pouch with other gems.

"We got you these, Beauty's." Tim says, pulling out each, handing Bart the two for his mother's.

Bart takes them and smiles before placing them in the mother's open hands while Tim does the same. Before they could process what was going on, they were both pulled down into hugs by their mentors.

"What did we do to deserve you two precious souls?" Ivy asks.

Harley and Selina nod in agreement.

Bart and Tim yawn, showing they were tired from their first mission. Harley smiles and kisses Bart's forehead, Selina doing the same to Tim.

All three smile as the two fall asleep.

What did they do to deserve these two children?


Another chapter!


Sorry it took a few days to update, but school is finally back and I'm having quizzes and tests within the first week of school.

Now, question.

I'm thinking of making a book called Battle of the Songs, or something like that, where, each month, I have sixteen new songs, four Divisions. Mon-Thurs will be the days the songs get put out, Friday, you all get to vote on your favorite song. At the end of the Battle, I'll so very the winning song after I get my tablet back so I can play the music. I'll be starting October 3rd. A Monday for me.

Should I do it? Leave a comment on whether or not I should.


On with the French and Spanish


Beau - Handsome

Tout comme la formation - Just like training

Un - One

Deux - Two

Trois - Three


Hermano - Brother

That's all for now!

See you all later!

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