Chapter Nineteen

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3rd Person P.O.V.

Tim sat on the couch, Bart had his head in his lap. Bart was currently asleep due to Tim gently running his hand through Bart's hair.

Tim smiles softly, pulling the blanket over Bart more. Venus was wrapped around Bart's arm, hugging him gently.

Slowly, Tim gets up, placing a pillow under Bart's head. Venus gives Tim the look of "If you wake him, I'll murder you and then somehow bring you back to life so I won't upset him".

The phone goes off in the kitchen, making Tim jump slightly. He rushes out with Venus glaring at him as the phone continues to ring throughout the house.

"Hello?" Tim asks, clicking the answer button.

"Hey, honey. How's it going?"

Tim smiles hearing his mother's voice on the other end. "Good, mom. How's everything going on with the three of you, wherever you are."

"Things are going great, sugar." Harley says. "Can you put Bart on the phone."

"I can't, he's asleep right now and Venus looks like she could kill me if I wake him up."

"Alright. We're on our way home right now." Ivy says. "Can you start preparing dinner? We'll deal with the rest once we get back, dear."

"Of course." Tim smiles.

"Thank you, baby. We'll see you once we get home."

"Yea, no problem. See you once you get home."

The line clicks and Tim sighs, putting the phone back. He ventures towards the fridge, pulling it open. He searches for something that could possibly be made for dinner.

Time Skip

Bart's P.O.V.

"-ling. Time to wake up. Dinner's almost ready."

I rub my eyes, slowly sitting up with the help of my mom. "What time is it?" I ask, squinting as the dull shine of the lamps hit my eyes.

"Practically seven. How you feeling, puddin'?" Momma asks, sitting next to me.


They smile at me. Momma hugs me and I hug back. Mom kisses my forehead. "Come on." She says.

I whine as they both help me up to a standing point. "Mom, Momma. I'm not a baby, I can stand myself up." I whine out as Momma wraps an arm over my shoulders.

"But you're our baby." She says, nuzzling my cheek.

We walk out to the kitchen to find Tim and Auntie Selina setting the table. "Morning." Tim teases, looking up from the silverware he was setting out on the table.

"Shush." I say, slight glare sent at Tim.

He snickers, heading back to the kitchen with Auntie Selina.

"Bart, sit. It'll be out in a moment." Mom says, flowers growing in a vase on the table.

"Why can I help?" I whine, arms drop from around Momma.

"Because you were out for most of the day." Auntie Selina says, walking back in with a fruit salad.

"Mhmm." Momma says, pushing me towards a chair. "Besides, they're almost done bringing it out, puddin'."

I sigh and drip into my chair, petting Venus' head.


I am so sorry. I am the shittiest at updating.

Anyways, thanks for the love and support throughout this story! I'm not done yet!

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