Chapter Twenty

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3rd Person P.O.V.

"We'll be back a little after midnight. If not, don't worry till morning." Selina says, sitting on her bike in the garage.

Tim sat on his bike, smiling and waving at Bart and his aunts. "Update us when you get back." Ivy says. "And don't let this meeting stretch thin."

"Won't try to, Ivy." Selina says, smirking. "But you know the others, needing to tell everything."

Ivy rolls her eyes, opening the garage door. "Don't hurt yourself, we don't need another injured."

"No promises." Selina says, hopping onto her bike.

Tim waved to Bart before he took after his mother, who had raced out towards the dark lights of Gotham.

Few Hours Later

Bart's P.O.V.

I twist in my bed, looking at the time. It was a little after one and I still couldn't get this feeling that I'm forgetting something. Something real from my dream.

"This is so stupid." I mutter, swinging my legs over the edge of my bed.

Maybe a drink could help.

Slowly trudging downstairs, I rub my eyes as soft lights hit them.

"Bart? Puddin', what're you doin' up?"

"I came down for a drink." I say softly, seeing my parents in the kitchen. They were sitting with Aunt Selina.

I yawn as I fill a glass. "Is Tim in his room?" I ask quietly, rubbing at my head in attempt to soothe the start of a headache.

"Yea. Do you have a headache?" Mom asks.

I nod, cradling the glass. Pieces of my dreams keep flashing in my mind. They seem like memories, but not..

"Here you go, hun." Mom says, holding out two tablets.

"Thanks." I say, quietly, not wanting to make the headache worse.

Momma kisses my head, wrapping me in a hug after I take the pills. "Head to bed, puddin'. Get some rest." She says, kissing the top of my head again.

I nod, hugging her back. They allow me to take the glass with me as I leave for my room again. The lights were on low, allowing my eyes not to burn from the brightness. I stumble back to my room, keeping the door open and inch before moving to my bed.

The bed envelopes me in comforting warmth. As I snuggle in closer to the soft sheets, I begin to feel sleepy. But pieces of dreams continue to flash behind my closed eyes. I stay in bed, turning for what seems like hours before I get up.

I look up and down the hall before moving. My parents and aunt have retired to their rooms. I tiptoe to Tim's room, hoping not to wake my parents.

Soft light cascades from his laptop as he sleeps. I softly closing the door behind me, looking at the random computer parts surrounding the bed.

"Tim?" I say softly, gently resting against the bed.

The bed doesn't make much noise except for the light creak of springs. Tim shifts from where he sleeps, grumbling softly in French. I bite my lower lip before I reach out, slowly closing it. I pull it from his lap, plugging it in before my next attempt.

"Timmy?" I say this time, still the same softness laced in my voice.

My hand gently paws at his hand, hoping to get him to wake up and reassure me that all these scenes were just dreams.

"Hmm? Five more minutes, mom. We were at the meeting late." Tim shifts, stretching his legs out.

"Tim. Réveillouz-vous." I say, watching him leek open an eye.

"Bart?" He asks, rubbing his eyes before sitting up properly. "What's going on? Is everything okay?"

I bite my bottom lip again. What will he think about this?

"Bart?" Tim says, concern completely laced in his voice. "Is everything alright? Do I need to get Aunt Ivy or Aunt Harley?"

I shake my head quickly. I didn't want to be babied longer than I had to be.

"So, what's wrong?" Tim asks again.

"I-..... I keep having these dreams, but they're extremely real. They come in flashes only, but the ones I see don't make a lot of sense. Like, Blue Beetle is a nice guy by the name of Jaime Reyes. And we're best friends. And you and I are superheroes, training under the Flash and Batman." Bart explains quickly. "I don't understand any of it."

Tim nods, obviously thinking. I wait, twiddling my thumbs.

Soon, hands cradle over mine, rubbing soothing circles on my knuckles.

"Promise me that if more of these scenes pop up, you'll go to Aunt Ivy, or Aunt Harley, or Mom." Tim says.

"Promise." I murmur.

Tim nods, settling back against his headboard. He looks into my eyes with concern.

"Is there anything else you want to tell me?" He asks.

"No... But can I stay here tonight?"

Tim hums a yes, moving some items around before moving himself to give me space. I silently crawl up next to him, clutching to the blanket he provides. I hadn't realized I was cold till now. We both lie in silence for a bit before sleep comes to overtake us.

"You're the best, bro." I murmur softly.

Tim hums in response again.

"You too, man." He says. "Now, goodnight, Bart."


Jesus, I feel horrible. It's been forever and I had to go to some friends to get some ideas for the next chapter and this one.

Other than that,

How do you feel about Bart starting to "remember" his life?


Réveillouz-vous - Wake up

Hope this is enough to tide most of you over till I can either update this book again or make it to chapter Five of Zarkon's Child before posting the first chapter.

See you later, peeps!

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