Chapter Eighteen

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Bart's P.O.V.

Light hits you eyes as they crack open. I groan, rubbing my head as I sit up. Rubbing my eyes, the smell of pancakes and bacon invade my senses.


"Tu es réveillé!"

Tim comes running out of the kitchen, spatula in hand. He sits next to me, putting his empty hand to my forehead. "How you feeling?" He asks, checking my head.

"Other than the pounding in my head, I'm fine." I say, smiling slightly at him. "Where's Momma and Mum?"

"They went out. They said that they'll be home sometime late morning." Tim replies, standing back up. "I'm making breakfast right now."

I nod in response, laying down with a groan.

"Do you need me to bring you an ice pack?" Tim asks.

"No, can you just shut off whatever the light is coming from?"

I could here him chuckle softly before the light dims slightly. I crack open my eyes to see the blinds closed. "Better?" Tim asks, shuffling onto his tiptoes to reach the strings again.

"Yup. Thanks, bro."

"No problem."

He shuffles back out to the kitchen, leaving me alone. I stare at the ceiling for sometime before I sit up again. The light hurt my head but it was as shut off as it could be with it being the Sun. I sigh and lean my head back against the back of the couch. It was as comfortable with it being the couch.

Slowly, I push the blanket off of me and stand making my way to the kitchen. The smell grew stronger as I walked closer. I leaned against the doorway, watching as Tim finished moving the food to plates. He was talking silently on the phone, supposedly with our parents.

"Yep, Mum. I swear we'll be fine. We'll call you if we need anything. Make it home safe. I love you."

I smile as he hangs up and turns towards me. "Bart, you shouldn't be up!" He exclaims, hurrying over to me. He slings one of my arms over his shoulders and helps me stumble back out to the Living Room. "Tim! I don't need you to baby me!" I exclaim as he sits me back on the couch.

"I don't care! I'm gonna baby you no matter what! It's my fault that you got hurt anyway." He says, scurrying back to the kitchen.

He comes back out with two plates in hand as well as forks and butter knives. He sets everything down on the coffee table then heads back to the kitchen to get drinks.

Once he's sitting next to me, both of us with our food, I look at him.

"It wasn't your fault I got hurt, man. I don't blame you, Mom doesn't blame you and neither does Momma." I say, taking him clenched fist.

He sighs and pulls away, wiping around his eyes aggressively. "How you feeling?" He asks, avoiding the topic I had brought up.

I frown but don't push. " I'm alright.. And you?"

"I'm good." He replies, handing me a fork and knife.

I pick at my food slowly. "Was that Auntie Selina on the phone?" I ask.

"Yea, she said that they would be a bit late today. They're catching up with some old friends that they just found again."

I nod, eating. We both just sit in silence, enjoying the silence in the early morning.

"Can you believe them?"

Tim looks up curiously at me. "What?" He asks, obviously confused.

"Blue Beetle and Superboy. Can you believe them? They brought two other heroes with them. And I thought we were too special to share with the others." I pout.

Tim just chuckles. "Okay, I know you got hit on the head, but not that seriously." He laughs out.

I give a strange look to his reaction. Once he settles down, he answers me without my question.

"They were probably doing patrol, man. And with an area like Gotham, they're gonna need more people than just Blue Beetle, Superboy and Nightwing. I mean, I know Batman could do it by himself, but these people aren't Batman."

I glare slightly, crossing my arms. "That still doesn't explain why they were with them at this specific meeting and not the others."

"Maybe we just chose the wrong place at the wrong time. They could've been meeting up to see what's going on on their side of the city." Tim replies.

I groan, sighing. "You're probably right, tringler..." I sigh.

"Mhmm." He says, eating again "Now finish up, then I can take you back to your room. I'm sure you wanna sleep in your own bed."

I nod and eat, listening to the birds singing outside.


Hey! I got another chapter out! 


Tu es reveille! - You are awake!


Alright, aside from this update, I have a summary for my children to read. It's not a Young Justice book, though I do have another on hold. 

This is a Voltron: Legendary Defenders. I'm addicted to it. Shiro is Space Dad while Lance is Space Mom. Fite me. 

Anyways, this follows Matt Holt. It's titled Zarkon's Child. I'm working on Chapter Two right now. Tell me what you think about it.


What if, after Shiro hurt Matt from going into the Gladiator Pit, he ends up going to be In use to the most terrifying person in the whole universe.


He was modified to fit Zarkon's needs, but he remained male though. He was kept in his chamber. Day in, day out. Till he was used for what he was originally sent there for.

He was his personal sex slave.

Months after being used for his Master's pleasure, Matt grew ill. He only knew one thing, Zarkon was pleased with this.

What will happen to Matt? 


That's all I have time for!

See you next time, children!

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