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Months passed, 2 months to be exact, which meant it was evaluation time for all of the trainees.

A bi-monthly evaluation was done in order to rank trainees and help the trainees that are falling behind on whatever they are lacking.

Mei was very scared, to say the least. She had been working on her vocals more than anything, but she also had extra dancing classes and was currently learning how to control her voice while dancing and performing, something Pledis seemed to specialize in.

Everyone was doing two separate evaluations, a solo evaluation which focused on vocals, and a group evaluation. All trainees had been put into groups of 5 or 6 that would perform together to test their teamwork, dance skills and vocals as a team.

Junhui was a bit worried, but easily replaced his worry with happiness, seeing how he had been one of the trainees that improved incredibly fast. His Korean was alright, not too bad but he definitely had to work more on his pronunciation skills.

Same goes with Mei, and every other foreign trainee. All of them had been put into late-night Korean lessons, where they would learn to write, speak and sing in Korean. These classes had been specially made for trainees that were going to debut as a solo, but since Pledis didn't have any of those currently, the classes had been adjusted to fit in with trainee groups.

Once evaluations were done, everyone went back to their regular training sessions.

The only good thing Mei liked about being in the regular trainee group is that they had different schedules, so sometimes she joined Seventeen Project's dance training, and other times she would go to vocal regularization with her seniors who had already debuted.

This sort of training made her feel free and not attached to a group, though she knew that it wouldn't last long, seeing how there was rumors about Pledis wanting to make another girl group apart from Pledis Girlz and there was only a limited amount of female trainees.

Today, Mei had vocal regularization with some members of Seventeen Project, one of them being Hansol, who she had become close to over the past months.

"What you'd get on your evaluation Mei?" Joshua asked the girl and she sighed. Her results weren't the ones she was expecting, but for it being her first evaluation ever, she had done incredibly well.

"89 on my solo performance, 84 on my group since Miko was falling behind in some parts" And with that everyone was sharing their own scores. Some people didn't know why they got a certain score, but at the end everyone did pretty well.


It was time for lunch and everyone seemed to be exhausted. A bad thing about evaluations was the fact that they started incredibly early, the first wave being at 6:30 in the morning. Mei was about to make her way towards the lunch room until she was stopped by someone.

It was one of the people who evaluated her, he was basically what could be considered the 'vice-president' of the company, since he was in charge of important stuff but no one knew what the important stuff was.

"Mei, can I talk to you in private for a second?" That's all it took for her to become anxious and scared, but she calmed down once she saw the reassuring smile on his face.

She took a seat in the big table he led her to, which was most likely used for company meetings or such things like that. Before she had any time to process what was happening, both the vice-president and the CEO of the company walked into the room.

language barrier ☆ junhui (HUGE REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now