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"As you may know, we have started uploading all the trainee videos on Pledis' official YouTube channel" Mei nodded, hinting to the CEO that he could keep explaining. "Well, other companies have seen your videos and they're interested in you. Of course, as a company, we wouldn't like to lose such an amazing trainee like you, but we have been thinking about having shared management over you with other companies"

Mei was confused to say the least, she saw herself as average, and she thought that any other female or male trainee in this company could have this opportunity more than she could. "So what you're saying is, other companies want me to be a trainee under their name?"

"That's right. There are currently two companies interested in you, but we know that, as you improve, you will start getting even more offers" Even though it seemed crazy to Mei, she could only nod and agree.

"So what am I supposed to do?" Mei asks. She already thought that the audition process was nerve-wracking, she didn't want to go through any of that again, even if it meant going to the best company in the business.

"Well, if you decided to meet with these companies, they'll want to meet you personally and tell you what they have to offer. Then you choose if you want to have shared management or if you choose to switch over to the company you like"

That's where things got tricky. As much as Mei loved Pledis, what if a company offered her better things?

Of course, no one could top Pledis' home-like quality, but there could be a company that could offer her better training, or even a better debut opportunity.

News spread like wildfire around the trainees. Everybody, and I mean EVERYBODY, knew what was happening with Mei. Some were jealous, wishing it could be them instead, and some were worried, hoping that she wouldn't leave the company.

"Jun, are you alright?" Minghao, the person Jun seemed to be closest to in the company, snapped him out of his thoughts. "Is it the Mei thing?" He asked.

That made people around them turn around, Jun instantly blushing and hiding his face in his hands.

Jun was probably the only person truly affected by the news. He had taken a small liking towards Mei and he hasn't even gotten a chance to have a proper conversation with her, and now there's a chance that she could leave, which made Jun's heart drop with fear.

"Just talk to her! At least introduce yourself or something, it'll be okay" Wonwoo assured the boy, but he wasn't having any of it.

"If you don't talk to her, then I'll make you" And with that, Chan dragged his friend towards were Mei was sitting alone. All the others, Wonwoo, Minghao, Soonyoung, Mingyu, Hansol and Jisoo, soon followed.

[ta-da! bad plot twist!]

language barrier ☆ junhui (HUGE REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now