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"Yeah, about that..." Mei dragged her words out, as if she was trying to imply something.

"Oh I'm sorry, are you going to the holiday event? I just guessed that you wouldn't since all your friends told me you were refusing to go" Mei sighed. She didn't want to miss out on the meeting, but she also didn't want to let Jun down.

"Well, earlier today I promised someone that I would attend, and I really don't want to let that person down, you know? Do you think we can reschedule the meeting? Even one day after the party or something. Please?" It was the first time anyone had really seem Mei plead for something this badly, so the chairman gave in.

"Alright, I'll try to rearrange the meeting, but you cannot fail on this new date, okay? This is a huge chance for you, specially since you've been turning down almost every offer you've gotten" Mei nodded and thanked the man, leaving the office short after.

She felt relieved, but began to stress out again, realizing that she didn't have any party appropriate clothing, only regular every day clothes and training clothes, other than that, she had nothing.

Her thoughts were cut short when a feminine, high pitched voice yelled out her name from across the hallway she was in.


"So you finally did it, huh?" Minghao asked, taking a sip of his water bottle while leaning against one of the mirrored walls.

Jun nodded and smiled at himself. Not only did it take days of convincing, but making plans that never actually happened took days off the practicing they were supposed to do.

"You should be proud of yourself, did you know she had to rearrange a meeting with another company to go to this party with you? That must mean she really likes you" Jun was confused.

He knew about the meeting, but he didn't know he had caused Mei to move the date. He felt guilty and lowered his head.

"Are you serious?" Jun asked

"I swear! She was supposed to go and meet the chairman of the company on the day of the party, but she demanded to reschedule since she didn't want to let you down"

"How do you even know all this, Hansol?"

"I have my ways"

"So he just asked? While you were eating ramen at a convenience store?" Pinky asked, not entirely convinced since she had wanted it to be something more extravagant and amazing.

"Yeah, it was cute though" Mei blushed, remembering the whole situation.

"Someone has a crush" Another girl singsonged, almost in a teasing manner.

"Knock it off! I came here for help but I'm honestly feeling so attacked right now" Everyone laughed and kept searching through the racks.

Mei and some other female trainees were currently on the hunt for something Mei could wear to the party, but none of them had hit the jackpot so far.

"How about these jeans?" Mei asked, holding up her favorite pair of ripped, black jeans.

"You can't be serious" One of them said. "If you actually think we're going to let you wear jeans to this party, you're dead wrong"

"What's wrong with her wearing jeans? It's  just a party" One of the younger ones said, before being scolded by someone else.

"It's not just a party, it's Mei's first party that's not a family reunion, plus it's the first time she's been asked out by a boy"

"And not just any boy, it's Junhui" Someone added.

language barrier ☆ junhui (HUGE REWRITE)Where stories live. Discover now