Chapter One

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"...And as we are gathered here today to remember our beloved Stuart Harold Pot, let us be reminded of his kindness, generosity, and inspiration towards those he knew and loved..."

As the pastor made his sermon in the crowded Hertfordshire funeral home, three certain figures stood out among 2D's family and several acquaintances: Murdoc, Russel and Noodle sat together, hand in hand and clothed entirely in black. They sat intently, small tears dropping from their eyes and onto their laps from every word the pastor was speaking. It had been one week since 2D's third and fatal accident, and to them had only happened yesterday.

The trio was in the front row, giving them a clear view of their frontman laying peacefully in his coffin, cladded in a powder blue suit and his bright azure hair pulled back neatly. Murdoc gazed at 2D as if he was fast asleep rather than he had just passed away, and that he would just wake up, maybe panic a little then get up from his coffin as if nothing had happened at all.

But despite Murdoc's ambitions, it did not happen.

Sitting right beside Russel were David and Rachel Pot, 2D's parents who were in their mid-seventies. It was Russel who had informed them of their son's passing, and provided himself as a rock of support for their mourning. David and Rachel held each other, shaking with sobs as Russel handed them more tissues. Rachel looked up at the drummer with sincerity and gently dabbed her eyes.

"...If anyone would like to share a word about our brother Stuart, speak now or forever hold your peace," the pastor continued.

The people shifted in their seats in silence, looking around the room for someone, if not anyone to stand up. The only sound came from a single fly, which aimlessly buzzed among the mourners. After a few seconds of silence, the fly perched itself on Murdoc's shoulder. He whisked it away irritably until it started to buzz again.

The pastor's eyes under his bifocals glazed around the room. He cleared his throat and said solemnly: "Then please rise for the procession,"

The wooden chairs shifted and creaked as the mourners rose from their seats. Soft music began to play from a small organ in the back of the funeral home, sending a sudden flood of emotion towards 2D's parents and his band mates. Russel reached his hand towards Noodle's and she gripped it as if she was hanging on for her dear life. Fresh tears began to pour down her face as the pastor slowly closed 2D's casket and began to roll it down the aisle. Murdoc, who was sitting on her right, took her other hand and watched as the singer: his singer rolled away and out of the funeral home.


Stuart Pot was buried in the only cemetery in Hertfordshire, where his grave was prepared beside his grandfather on one side, and a small apple tree on the other. The end of autumn was quickly approaching, sending a cold wind through the mourners that stood gloomily beside the grave.

Murdoc, Russel and Noodle huddled close together to shelter themselves from the breeze, despite that they were wearing thick jackets. A sudden, sharp wind seemed to cut right through Noodle, causing her to lose balance under her own weight and right onto Russel's chest.

The pastor continued to make his last sermon, but the trio couldn't make out a single word he was speaking, because of the wind that drowned out his voice to a muffle. They remained close together, shivering from the cold that tore through them.

Then at last, the sermon was over and the mourners began to walk towards their cars and drive onto the highway. David and Rachel Pot were the only ones who remained by their son's graveside: like the trio, they were huddled against each other, bundled in layers and resting their hands against the surface of the coffin. They rested their heads against each other and began to cry once more.

Murdoc and Noodle watched as Russel walked towards the couple and began to speak to them. He put a hand on Rachel's shoulder, said something to her and then held out his arms for her in an embrace.

Murdoc looked at the apple tree that moved in rhythm with the blowing wind. Then as the first snow began to fall, the last leaf hanging from the branch fell and drifted until it landed right on top of the coffin.

"...Of course we'll never forget him, Rachel," Russel said softly. "Stuart...he was one of the nicest people I've had the pleasure of knowing,"

"Oh, Russel, what would we ever do without you?" Rachel said, choking back another sob.

"There, there, Rachel," her husband said. He looked up at Russel. "We really do appreciate your kindness, Mr. Hobbs. How can we ever thank you?"

"There's no need for that, sir," Russel replied. "If you two need anything at all, just give me a call and I'll be there as soon as I can,"

"Yes, we will. Thank you so much," David said. "Truly, we appreciate all you've done,"

"It's no problem at all. You guys take care of yourselves, alright?"

"Goodbye, Russel," Rachel said.

"It's been a pleasure meeting you," David added.

Russel smiled at them. He looked at 2D's coffin, placed a hand on it and said: "I'm so sorry I let this happen, D,"

A/N I am so sorry for the delay: I started writing this a week ago then my account suddenly locked me out so I had to reset my password and start all over again. That and I had band, work, school...etc so I was pretty distracted. But now I should be able to update more often and not get writers block :D Bye

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