Chapter Six

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"Oh, quit moping. You'll get over her eventually,"

"I just don't see why you had to go and do that. She was MY girlfriend, Murdoc. And by all means, you just HAD to go and ruin everything,"

Murdoc paused for a second, looking up at the pitiful, 20 somethin' year old singer. "It isn't a total loss, kid...I mean-she was ugly. Retched, if I say so myself,"

"I thought she was pretty," 2D grumbled.

Murdoc scoffed. "Well, you're practically blind, so there's no use arguing about that,"

"They're not blind, just fractured is all..."

"Whatever. The thing is, Paula's gone and now we need to find a replacement, and fast. And you're gonna design the wanted poster,"

Murdoc took out a white piece of poster paper and a handful of multicolored markers from his music bag and set them on the table in front of them.

"I would do it myself, but unfortunately, my penmanship skills are...lacking. You shouldn't have much problem making this, right?"

2D suddenly stood up from his chair. "Why should I? You're the reason why we have no guitarist, so you should be the one making the stupid poster!"

"And you were the one who brought in that rubbish bimbo and wasted our time!" Murdoc snapped.

"Paula's not a bimbo!" 2D yelled. "This mess is all your fault, NOB!"

As soon as those words were spoken, 2D covered his mouth with his hands in horror. Murdoc took a step towards the singer, who inched backwards and stumbled on a folding chair. 2D froze.

"I-I didn't mean it, Murdoc, I promise," 2D stammered. "I'm so sorry, I just don't know what-"

Murdoc's hand came flying towards the singer's face, and the slap was so loud, it echoed across the entire room. 2D doubled over onto the floor, crying out in pain and clutching his red-hot cheek where the hand had struck him.

"Get up," Murdoc said after a minute had passed. "You're lucky I didn't break your nose, like that lug Russel just did,"

2D did as he was told. Whimpering like a dog, he stood up and wiped a stream of tears away from his face.

"Listen to me, face ache, because I'm only gonna say this once,"
Murdoc snapped. He firmly gripped 2D by his shirt collar and slightly lowered him onto the ground so that Murdoc could be the taller of the two. "Do you want to go back to working in that miserable organ emporium? Because if you do, I'd give you the boot the first chance I got. But let me tell you this: You are my frontman, and do you know why that is?"

2D shook his head. "I'm afraid I don't, Murdoc,"

"...Because even though you're a sniveling, thick-headed, little son of a bitch, you have the voice of an angle and looks that are driven to kill. If you hadn't come along, I would be the singer, but thanks to you, I already got my work cut out for me,"

"You better be careful, Stuart Pot," Murdoc continued. He let go of the shirt collar and jabbed 2D in the chest with one of his bony fingers. "Because when I make this band the greatest thing the world has ever seen, you'll wish that it were you that everyone will be on their hands and knees for. That is a promise I intend to keep. This is my band, and you will do exactly as I say. Is that clear?"

"Y-yes, Murdoc,"

"Make the poster look somewhat decent. Hang it up in the Soho area,"

"I'm on it," 2D hoisted himself from the ground, brushed the dirt off his pants and sat in the chair. He pulled the blank poster towards him and scrambled through a pile of multicolored permanent markers.

"Well, looks like you got this under control," Murdoc said. "I've got a big goose egg to deal with, and his name is Russel Hobbs. And I want that poster done by the time I get back, got it?"

"Okay," 2D replied.

Murdoc rolled his eyes and began to walk out the door. 2D sat, staring at the blank poster and colored markers. He began to write something, when suddenly, Murdoc banged on the door again.

"Dents! Make sure you write 'No Hippies' on there!"

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