Chapter Fourteen

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Murdoc spent a very long time in the bathroom. It wasn't the same atmosphere as the one back home; there, the medicine bottles were littered on the counter, mold ran through the tile, and all the walls were a blinding white.

The Pot's bathroom was entirely carpeted, which was comforting compared to standing on cold tile. An old bathtub stood at the edge of the room, with a leaky faucet that probably hadn't stopped dripping in years. It was complete with walls that were painted yellow and hung paintings of kittens.

Murdoc found himself enveloped in dread. And he was craving for a bottle of rum.

There was a loud knock on the door. He lifted himself from the toilet seat and opened the door, which was faded and creaked with every inch it moved. Standing in front of Murdoc was Russel-and unlike before, he looked like a zombie who hadn't slept in weeks.

"How was your little 'discussion' with David?" Russel asked.

"Fine, thank you," Murdoc scowled.

Russel barged his way into the bathroom, shutting the door behind him. "What did he say to you?"

Murdoc blinked, furrowing his brow. "What's it matter? Why do you always want to get into other people's business?"

"There's no need to get all defensive, man. I was just asking a question," Russel snapped.

"Well, I'll tell you this: We need to leave. Right now." Murdoc said, poking Russel firmly in the chest.

Russel blinked. "What the hell for? I don't know about you, but leaving unexpectedly would be considered rude. You get what I'm sayin'?"

Murdoc slammed his fists on the counter, looking straight at his own reflection. "Don't be a fuckin' liar, Russ. The only reason why we came here is that you're mooching them off for their food. You just went right up to their door without a call or nothing! We haven't had a decent meal in months, and you just barged in acting like we were homeless. Well guess what, we're doing just fine, aren't we?"

"Now wait a minute, Murdoc-"

"You can kiss up to David all you want, same goes for Rachel, but I can gurantee that none of us are welcome here."

Russel put a colossal hand on his face, letting out a heavy sigh. "Man, are you still mad about the whole will thing? I told them it was just a misunderstanding! You can't just continue that, unless you're just looking for an excuse to argue."

"Ya know what, Russ? You're so full of shit right now, I can see it spewing out of your mouth and your arse," Murdoc retorted.

"Here's my suggestion if you wanna leave so badly: just take the car," Russel snapped. "Noodle and I can take a cab in the morning. I don't care."
Russel crossed his arms and narrowed his eyebrows so that they formed a large crease in his forehead.

"Well, cabs don't exactly run around here, do they?" Murdoc said, his voice growing louder and more husky. "But in your world, everything just works out the way it's supposed to. Well, guess what? It's not happening here. You get the picture, Russ?"

Russel lowered himself down to eye level with Murdoc, reaching for his arm. He grabbed it, pulling Murdoc so that their foreheads barely made contact. "The only picture I'm seeing is the one where I break your face off. Bitch."

A small knock came from the other side of the door. Russel felt his stomach drop and immediately released Murdoc's shirt collar.

"Is everything okay in there, loves?"

It was Rachel.

"E-everything's fine!" Russel stammered. The expression on his face said otherwise.

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