Chapter Eight

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Oct. 31, 2006

'Today's Noodles 16th birthday, but she isn't here. Ever since she went missing, we still haven't found her. Russel's really torn up about it because he was planning on buying her a new car after she got her license. But when Murdoc and I woke up this morning, he was in the kitchen covered in flour and frosting and stuff. Murdoc asked what the hell he was doing, and Russel said it was a 'surprise.' An hour later, there was this huge cake that read 'Happy Birthday, Noodle' and had sixteen candles on it. Russel told us that it was still a special day and that we should celebrate for her. We sang the birthday song and ate the cake for breakfast. At least Murdoc and I did. Russel couldn't stop crying and talking about how much he missed Noodle because she was like a daughter to him and she was here with us for a really long time. It just seems like everything's going down the toilet since Noodle went missing, and now the taxes on the studio have gone up. Murdoc says that if he can't pay for this place, we might have to-'

"Yo, Muds! You up here?"

It was Russel. Murdoc shut the journal, shoved it under the sheets and picked up one of 2D's vinyl albums. He pretended to examine it as the drummer walked into the room.

"I expected you'd be in here," Russel said.

"You're home awfully early," Murdoc replied.

"Um...It's twelve thirty," Russel picked up a couple of 2D's shirts that were lying on the floor. "What are you doin' up here by yourself anyway? It's freezing,"

"Noodle's up here too," Murdoc said. "Obviously you would know that,"

Russel crossed his arms tightly to conserve body heat. "That's not what I meant, Murdoc. What I'm saying is that keeping yourself locked in here isn't gonna do any good,"

"Want a beer mate? It's still cold,"

Russel frowned again when Murdoc held up another unopened bottle of beer. The drummer shook his head. "Do you really think I'm in the mood for alcohol when I've spent the past eight hours in a bar? Some bastard asked me for 8 fuckin' shots of whiskey and I nearly had to call an ambulance because he got so intoxicated. If he died, I would've lost my job right on the spot,"

Murdoc polished off the beer and wiped his mouth with his sleeve. "Everything's always about you, isn't it? Work, work, work, money, money, money, that's all you ever talk about-"

"Yeah, because now that nobody's also workin' at the paper mill, our income is half of what is used to be. Noodle just told me that she has an interview to replace him tomorrow. I'm just praying that she gets the job,"

Murdoc scoffed. "2D made twice as much dough compared to you. According to his will, of course,"

Russel glared at the older man. "What will?"

"2D's, you moron," Murdoc huffed. "His father told me personally, that his entire income covered all of the damages from the accident. Also, he said there was enough left over for us to have £1800,"

"That's impossible-"

"£1800 each,"

Russel looked suspiciously at Murdoc, who sat on 2D's bed, beaming with pride.

"That's bullshit," Russel said. David Pot would never trust us with his son's will," Russel paused. "If anything, he would've told me about it because I was the one who handled all of his finances,"

"Because you're just the oh-so-special guy who butters up to everyone to get what he wants!" Murdoc stood up again and pointed his bony finger at the drummer. "Something's going on here, Russel; are you pretending to work for your money just to cover up what you took from him?"

Russel gaped. "Are you accusing me of stealing from 2D?!" he exclaimed. "Now see here, you creep, the only reason I've been working double time is to make more income for us. I would never, and I mean never steal from him. And even what you said about the will or whatever is true, I still won't take any of his money,"

"Work yourself to the bone until you die, if that's how you like it,"

Now Russel was starting to fume, but not enough to lose his temper. "Why the hell am I even talking to you? You don't even know what you're talking about,"

"Well, if you weren't home so late, maybe you shouldn't even bothered," Murdoc growled. He went back to looking at the vinyl, feeling Russel's eyes burning into the side of his head.

"I was leaving anyway!" Russel snapped.

"Then go!"

Russel shot Murdoc another glare and stomped out of the room in a huff. Murdoc looked at the unopened beer bottle that was still in his hand. He shrugged, cracked it open and poured the golden liquid down his throat.

"Stupid jackass," he muttered between every sip.

The beer was drained until the container was completely empty. A numb sensation traveled from his head all the way down to the bottom of his feet. Murdoc could feel himself pulsating and his vision go blurry. And within a matter of seconds, he was out cold.


A burning building. Hundreds of crows cawing and flying aimlessly in all directions. Dark smoke. Dark clouds. Strong winds. A man holding a tub of kerosene.

Kong was on fire.

Murdoc stood from a distance, gazing at the brilliant studio he had set ablaze. It was now a beacon of flame and ashes, burning like a dying sun. He was covered in soot.

There was a crash, and Murdoc was now inside a car. Another man went flying from the back of the windshield and hurled face first into an open coffin. Murdoc jumped out of the car through the broken windshield, scraping his arms and legs on the glass. Blood ran down his body as he ran towards the coffin, which drifted further away from him with every step he took.

The face of his father appeared.

"You done fucked up this time, boy,"

His visage turned into the face of 2D. It was pitch black around them. There was a pane of thin glass separating them. 2D opened his mouth, but did not speak. It was as if his vocal chords were trapped inside his throat, trying to escape. Murdoc found that he could not speak either. He banged on the glass, mouth-screaming 2D's name with all his effort. His pounding fist shook the barrier, his lips forming the words; "2D, 2D, can you hear me?" between every blow. 2D continued to speak, but was completely inaudible.

Water began to fill Murdoc's side of the glass. It rose up his legs, his chest and his shoulders until he found himself completely surrounded by the fluid. Murdoc tried to scream again, but the water filled his mouth and throat. He was sinking. Murdoc submerged in the darkness, screaming out 2D's name until everything went black.


Murdoc gasped and body flung off the bed. He sat upward, breathing heavily and clutched a hand to his rapid-beating heart. He looked around; there was no burning building, no coffin, no glass, no black hole.

And no 2D.

Murdoc laid back down. The room began to spin. He smothered his head with one of the pillows, tossing and turning relentlessly. He did not sleep for the rest of that night.

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