Chapter Fifteen

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Christmas Day.

The first thing Murdoc noticed that morning was the sweet smell of fresh biscuits. He had almost forgotten that he was not back home, yet knowing that he was still technically in 2D's bed was a reassuring thought. He was sleep-deprived from last night's experience, yet the aroma was enough to draw him out of bed.

Everyone was already down in the dining room, feasting on what appeared to be a delicious breakfast set on the table. They were laughing and chatting away, as silverware clinked on the Pot's fine china plates. As soon as Murdoc came into sight, the laughter died.

That was just what he expected.

"Did you sleep well, love?" Rachel asked. She had a hint of strictness in her voice. "Russel told me you aren't much of a morning person, so we let you rest a little longer."

Murdoc nodded, trying to not let the four pairs of beckoning eyes bother him. "Yes, thank you."

"I got a fresh batch of eggs; do you like over-easy?"

"I don't really do breakfast," Murdoc hastily replied. He wanted more than anything to eat an entire plateful of eggs if he could. "A glass of milk would be nice, though."

Rachel smiled down at her eggs instead of at him. "Help yourself to as much as you want, love."

Murdoc cautiously sit himself down at the table, doing his best to keep his distance from everyone, especially Russel. The drummer munched on the last of his eggs as he was making polite conversation with David. Murdoc glanced in their direction, trying to pick up on what they were discussing, but it was obvious the two of them were keeping their voices down.

Noodle sat directly across from Murdoc, however, taking small sips of orange juice. She was contentful and didn't seem to notice the gloom Murdoc had brought into the morning light.

"Would you care for another, Noodle?" Rachel asked. "Or some more orange juice?"

Noodle shook her head in reply. "Even three eggs was enough for me. Thank you."

Rachel nodded and slid the remaining eggs onto her own plate. She sat down beside Noodle, turning her body away from Murdoc. He looked at Rachel's eggs like they were liquid gold.

"If you ask me, we should be having more than just plain old eggs and juice," Rachel said to Noodle. "If I had the ingredients for Eggs Benedict, Belgian waffles, gravy on biscuits...this would surely be a Christmas meal."

Murdoc's pupils began to dilate at the thought of real food. He sipped some of his milk, letting it run down his dried- out throat. It left a sour taste in his mouth.

"Right you are, darling!" David exclaimed from across the table. "We shouldn't have to let our honored guests eat peasant food! After all, why waste what we already have?"

"And speaking of which," Rachel chimed in with her husband. "Did you open those lovely gifts that Russel brought last night?"

David swallowed a large gulp of juice, raising his eyebrows in surprise. "By jove! I can't believe I forgot! Guess that happens with old age; I can't even remember where I left my trousers..."

"The courdory ones?"

"No, love, they were polyester. I wore them to church last week, remember?"

Rachel sighed. "Why don't we worry about your trousers later and see what Russel brought us?"

David snapped his fingers. "Oh, of course, of course. Let me see if they're still by the tree..."

He left the table, and came back from the living room with Russel's presents. The foul-tasting milk in Murdoc's mouth grew more sour when he saw Russel's face beaming with pride.

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