Chapter Three

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The first glimpse of snow that had arrived the day before turned into a fairly heavy snowfall that sent chills into the residents of London. It was Sunday, and it was obvious that nobody wanted to be outside because they had no reason to. Yet, Murdoc was up and outside at around eleven to have his daily drag.

He took the cigarette from his pocket. He inhaled. Exhaled. Indulged.

Now would usually be around the same time that 2D would walk outside, step up behind Murdoc and say; "Bum me one, mate,"

Then they would smoke while they watched the morning smog from the local paper mill mix with the snow and pollute the sky and make it turn from gray to deep brown. 2D would say something stupid like; "I'm readin' an article about a new brand of soap. It's kinda interestin',"

Murdoc would roll his eyes and say; "That sounds really stupid," and 2D would forget about the article entirely.

By the time Murdoc had stopped thinking, his cigarette fell from his frozen fingers and right onto the ground. It went out, and the smoke began to rise from underneath the snow.

"Shit," Murdoc cursed under his breath.

He walked back into the flat and slammed the door shut behind him as hard as he could.

"Muds, can you not? I'm kind of busting my butt here," Russel sat at the kitchen table surrounded by piles of paperwork: He was the one taking charge of cancelling 2D's credit cards, insurances, bank accounts and his employment at the paper mill.
Russel had been in same spot for 3 hours straight, completely absorbed with all the responsibilities he had to take care of before going back to his own job at the local pub.

"Just don't mind me, mate," Murdoc replied.

"Mhm," Russel said. "Why don't you go help Noodle? She's cleaning out D's room,"

Murdoc shrugged and began to walk up the two flights of stairs that led all the way to 2D's bedroom on the top floor. The door was open, along with the window curtains which revealed the specks of dust that scattered throughout the bedroom.
Noodle had just finished packing a box of 2D's old records when she heard Murdoc tap on the door.

"How's it going in here?" Murdoc asked.

Noodle wiped a bit of sweat off of her brow. "I've hardly made a dent since this morning: I had to tidy up all the garbage that was left around and find enough boxes for his stuff. I still have to wash all of his clothes and sheets, clean out the medicine cabinet and dust his shelves and God knows what else,"

Murdoc nodded. He noticed that her eyes were red and splotchy when he turned on the light switch. "Hey, Noodle, are you cryin'?"

Noodle rubbed her face. "Huh?...Oh, no, just-some dust in my eye is all,"

Murdoc and Noodle spent the next couple of hours cleaning 2D's bedroom while Russel took care of the legal paperwork; They were so absorbed in their chores, it wasn't until three in the afternoon that they finished and realized that none of them had eaten or drank anything all day.

"Let's just order somethin'," Murdoc said. "It's less hassle,"

"We got plenty of leftovers in the fridge, Muds," Russel snapped.

"Besides, I've been on the phone all day with insurance companies and my ear's still ringing,"

"Then just let me use the phone-" Noodle started, but Russel held up his hand.

"-You know what-never mind. I need to go lay down. I'll eat later,"

Russel left the kitchen in a huff and stomped up the stairs. Murdoc and Noodle sighed in unison, basking in the awkwardness of the situation. Both of them knew better than to argue with Russel.

Murdoc picked up the phone and dialed a number. "Yes, I'd like two large  supreme pizzas....And get them both here in 20 minutes,"

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