Chapter Twelve

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"He did what?!"

An early morning shock was not exactly appealing to Noodle's senses, but when she discovered the dark bruise on Russel's cheek and leg, she burst into total hysterics.

"Noodle, everything's fine," Russel said covering his facial bruise. "He was just having one of his moods is all-"

"Don't you understand how serious this is, Russel?" Noodle shrieked. "You could've had to go to the hospital, and with all the broken glass, and...what if you lost your job?! You know how your boss is!"

"Yes, I know, Noodle. But this isn't about me; This is about Murdoc."

Noodle let out an exhausted sigh and began to pull up her jet black hair into a ponytail. Russel always knew that meant she was keeping it out of her eyes so she could clean. Just like he predicted, Noodle took out their small vacuum from a closet and turned it on.

Russel finished off the last of his coffee and cautiously approached her. "Noodle, I know you're tired from working, but this is more important right now."

She nudged the drummer out of her way with the vacuum and continued to scan the floor for dirt.

Russel furrowed his brow. "Noodle, this is serious, if you would please just-" he tried to yell over the whir of the vacuum, but Noodle was completely absorbed in her useless chore.


No response.

Russel stomped his foot and stormed over to the outlet where the vacuum was plugged in. He pulled the plug from the wall, making the whirring stop.


Noodle saw the expression on Russel's face and she immediately came to her senses. With a heavy sigh and sweat beading her forehead, she leaned the vacuum against the wall and walked back towards the kitchen.

"I've been worried about Murdoc too, Russel-sama," Noodle said. "He's been acting so strange. I mean, he's always been that way for as long as I can remember."

"But back in the day he could act like he was the king of the world and still have control over himself. I've been trying to get some sense into Murdoc, I really have, but I just can't get a damn word out of him."

Noodle walked Russel over to the table where they sat themselves down. She patted Russel's hand and held it firmly.

"I mean, just the way he locks himself up there, and has these weird nightmares after drinking so much...And what happened with 2D's parents, and the wrapping paper...Please, can you just go talk to him? He'll listen to what you have to say instead of my useless blabbering."

Noodle pondered the question for a moment. "That is, if he's sober enough."

"I already established that. Murdoc's cold turkey from last night so he should be decent," Russel replied.

Noodle let out another exhausted sigh. She gave Russel's hand another reassuring squeeze and started to push herself away from the table.

"Wait, Noodle," Russel said.

Noodle stopped at the edge of the stairs. "What is it?"

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