Chapter Seventeen

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Time for Murdoc seemed to get slower and dragged on relentlessly as the holidays transitioned into January. Winter continued to toil endlessly as he spent his days either sleeping or finding ways to distract himself from constant loneliness.

2D's bedroom began to grow more dank with the smell of cigarettes and stale beer, so Russel and Noodle did their best to not go in there unless they absolutely had to. Murdoc grew more and more sick to his stomach as he spent his days wasting away with every drop of alcohol he drank. Even Russel was too distracted to even care about how much Murdoc smoke and drank on a daily basis.

Because what the drummer didn't consider was how Murdoc's toxic habits began to spread beyond his boundaries.

It started in the bathroom right across from 2D's bedroom. The stream of cigarette ashes and beer cans made their way onto the tiles, and in places like the bathtub, the sink, and the toilet seat. The liquid slowly seeped between the surfaces, its scent reeking throughout.

Then the trail would continue down the stairs and into the living room, where the cushions were already filled with crumpled wrappers and stale food.

Murdoc would drink his fourth or fifth beer in front of the television, while his bloodshot eyes remained glued to the screen. Sometimes the screen was playing a rerun of some sort, but most of the time, it was shut off. There was nothing but a void of black that the bassist would stare into until his beer ran dry.

Tonight, however, the television was on, which gave Murdoc more distraction from the outside world. The program, which was something related to golf, droned on as the sun disappeared under the smog. Once nightfall came, Noodle came home from her day at the paper mill.

Exhausted and frostbitten from walking to and from her work, Noodle never bothered to clean the house anymore. She passed by the littered beer cans and cigarette stubs without a single glance. Noodle climbed the stairs to the living room, where she saw Murdoc in his nightly routine of television and intoxication.

She wanted to say something to him, but there was no telling what his reaction would be. Murdoc was so absorbed in the program, he was not aware that Noodle was watching him intently.

She left the living room without a single word spoken.

Murdoc never dozed off from the television, or even got up to go to the bathroom, but just sat there. Unblinking and completely oblivious to his surroundings.

"You've been watching that thing all night, Dents. It's nearly sunup."

"Overtime. I can't sleep."

Murdoc graveled at the singer, who kept his emotionless gaze at the blue light of the screen. He was like a moth to a flame, focusing at nothing else but the television in front of him.

"You know it'll only keep you awake," Murdoc said hastily.

"Funny, cos' Russel only falls asleep with the telly on," 2D replied.

"Well, you're not him, are you?"

2D ignored him and continued to keep his attention on the screen. But he already knew that wouldn't stop Murdoc from leaving the room.

Hours passed. Murdoc did not even notice the door slam below him. It was followed by a series of grunts and what sounded like a stomping of boots. Even when the stomping reached the living room, Murdoc did not show any reaction.


Murdoc knew that someone-or something was talking to him, yet he remained oblivious. The screen seemed to capture his full attention.

"Don't give me that look. I know you can hear me," Russel demanded.


"Ya know what, whatever. I don't give a shit. I've already had to deal with pricks tonight, and dealing with you is another thing entirely. Have you just been sitting there all night?"

Murdoc glared at the drummer, who was obviously more pissed than a sore mule. Russel smelled of old whiskey and his frosty eyes were tinted with veins of red.

"Muds. Earth to Muds." Russel waved a hand in front of Murdoc's emotionless face.

"The bloody hell do you want, Russ?!" Murdoc finally snapped. He forcibly smacked Russel's hand away and gave him a stern growl.

Russel, even though he was too tired to care about Murdoc's outburst, immediately backed away from the other man as if he was a rabid dog.

"I was just wondering how your night was. You know, like...basic conversation?" Russel said with a bit of hesitation.

"I'm good, Russ. Just fine. Thanks for asking," Murdoc replied. "As if you had to ask."

Russel firmly crossed his arms on his chest. "Well, yeah, because sometimes I wonder what you even do here alone. Noodle and I don't work full-time for nothing."

"Mm. That's great, Russ. Why don't you go on about work. I always love hearing your dumb sob stories."

Russel felt one of his veins burst. He wanted to lunge at Murdoc, strangle him and watch his face turn blue, but he resisted the urge with a shaking fist.

"Whatever. I'm going to bed," Russel sighed. "I'm too tired for your shit."

Without another word, he left the living room with steam shooting out of his head.

Murdoc did grow tired eventually, but it waa only after his last beer had run out. He switched off the television and pulled the blanket he was wearing closer to him. He was freezing, and it wasn't just from the lack of heat.

"Why don't you just to your own bed?" Murdoc asked.

2D nuzzled his face in Murdoc's shoulder, drawing them closer together. "S' too far. I'm too tired."

Murdoc ran his fingers through 2D's hair, a familiar sense he had grown accustomed to. The two of them relaxed on each other as the blanket surrounded them with warmth and security. Their hearts pounded against each other, as if they were a chain of rhythm.

"Stay here tonight," 2D said.

"I wasn't gonna go anywhere, dumbarse," Murdoc replied hastily.

2D grinned as he wrapped his arms around Murdoc's torso. "I know. I just wanted to make sure."

"Then go to sleep."

"Um, Murdoc?"


"Love you."

"Yeah, Sure."

It's so cold.

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