yoosung ✧ art class

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– yoosung x reader au
– word count; 1589


the school bell rung throughout the school, signifying that break was over and students had to go back to their next class.

"hey, yoosung, what lesson do we have next?" one of his friends asked as he walked beside the blond boy, clearly having no clue where he was going.

"you have extra maths now... don't you?" yoosung chuckled, thinking to himself that his friend really was hopeless.

"gah! i completely forgot!" the now flustered boy said before running in the opposite direction, yelling a quick thank you before entering the dull school building.

yoosung chuckled to himself once more before hurrying to his next class, which was possibly his favourite. art. he had always been quite bad at art, so you definitely wouldn't expect him to like it. in fact, whenever he tried to draw something and it didn't come out right, he got very frustrated and the temptation to up and leave was extremely high. and he really would up and leave in the middle of class, if it wasn't for a certain girl.

her name was y/n, and she was an incredibly talented artist who yoosung enjoyed watching draw, paint or doodle whatever she felt like or had been tasked with. not to mention that yoosung was lucky enough to sit right next to her, on the same two seated desk.

his thoughts about the girl preoccupied his mind as he rushed towards the classroom, wanting to see the artistic [h/c] haired girl as soon as possible.


yoosung eagerly walked into the classroom and to his seat, seeing a familiar figure already sat down doodling something in a sketchbook.

"wow, that's really good!" the excitable boy suddenly beamed, slightly startling y/n.

"ah, yoosung! thanks." you returned the smile, getting back to your sketching straight after.

the bell rung again to signify the start of class, although you didn't stop drawing. you only did if the teacher looked in your direction, which was rare since you were sat so far back.

"alright class," the teacher started, waiting for a few students to sit down. "today we'll be doing portraits which i'll be grading, so try your best to do a pencil drawing of the person sat next to you. call for me if you need any help."

'wait, i have to draw y/n?' yoosung suddenly started to feel anxious, he was worried because of his poor artistic skills. what would happen if he drew something bad and offended you?

"yoosung? are you ok?" snapped out of his panic, he saw your hand being waved in front of his face. "we have to draw each other, right?"

"a-ah! yeah, sorry... haha..." it was no use, yoosung had lost all ability to function.

no surprise, y/n was already straight on it. she was a surprisingly quick drawer, yet the quality never seemed to dip no matter what speed she worked at. it really was incredible. they had only been told the task two minutes ago yet she had already sketched part of yoosung's hair.

"hey, y/n..." yoosung started, hearing a quiet hum from you to say that you were listening. "i know you have to draw yours too, but can you help me get started on mine?"

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