yoosung ✧ just like rika

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– yoosung x reader
– word count; 1313


"hey, y/n, i think you and rika are quite alike."

yoosung had told you that too many times today, it was definitely getting on your nerves. the first few times, you had decided to counterattack with phrases like "but i'm not rika" or "i don't think we are", but after him telling you that you're mistaken each time, you had finally given up.

hearing rika's name had now become a poison to your body. it hurt so much hearing the person you love telling you you're exactly like someone else... a dead family member, at that. forget friend-zoned, you just got rika-zoned. for the fifth time today.

and that's when you had finally had enough.

as you and yoosung were walking back to your apartment, tears started uncontrollably streaming down your face; the frustration you had held in all day finally letting itself out.

"y-y/n? what's wrong?" the blond boy stopped in his tracks as soon as he realised you were crying and gripped your arm, worry clear in his voice.


"y/n...?" he repeated, unsure if you heard him the first time.

"tsk." anger started to build up inside of you, causing you to bitterly click your tongue and break free from of his gentle grasp.

almost inaudible, you muttered a few words. "i'm not rika."


"I'M NOT RIKA!" you shouted, jamming your eyes shut and clenching your fists together.



yoosung stayed silent, eyes wide from shock. he had never seen you so angry and upset before.

"y/n wait, i-"

"no." you muttered. "just shut up, please."

you ran as fast as you could, your feet carrying you wherever they wanted to. tears were still streaming down your face, clouding your vision until everything around you was just a blur.

'why did i have to confess to him like that?'


yoosung stood in shock, trying to comprehend everything the girl had just yelled at him.

'hurts... person you love... exactly like someone else...'

the scene played through his head multiple times, causing a deep throbbing pain to form in the boy's chest.

it hurt. it hurt so much to see the girl he loved cry right in front of him. but above all, it hurt to know that he was the cause. the cause of all of this was him.

the urge to run after her was high, but no matter how hard he tried, yoosung's feet wouldn't move. it was like they were glued to the concrete beneath him. all he could do was stand and watch the person he loved run off into the distance, slowly fading away from his sight.

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