jaehee ✧ school

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– jaehee x reader au
– word count; 1196


sitting down at your desk, you started unpacking all of your necessary books for your next lesson, which was maths. however, before you could finish, your friend came frantically running over to you.

"y/n! y/n!" they yelled excitedly, rushing over to your desk.

"f/n? what is it?" you asked, not understanding why they were so excited.

your friend crouched beside your seat, leaning their head closer to yours. "i heard there's a new maths teacher teaching us." they whispered in a hushed tone.

"and why are you so excited about-"

interrupting you, the bell rang throughout the classroom signifying that class had started.

your friend plastered a smirk on their face and giggled a "you'll see why i'm so excited" before returning to their seat - leaving you to think about what they meant.


"alright class!" your maths teacher, mr. lee, walked into the room and stood at the front of the room, earning a few disappointed grunts from students.

'i thought f/n said we were getting a  new teacher?'

"by those discouraged sighs, i guess you've heard the rumours about a new teacher. well, you are getting one!"

those words managed to peek every students attention, everyone who was previously looking down was now looking straight ahead of them in anticipation of the new teacher.

almost on que, a brown haired female walked into the room, her brown eyes scanning the room as she smiled bashfully. she was wearing glasses, a white shirt accompanied by a black blazer and a long black skirt.

unexpectedly, you felt your face heat up slightly. you darted a look at your friend who was sat two desks away from you, and, no surprise, they were already grinning at you.

your friend knew how much you liked girls, so they must've got an insight on the teacher being a rather attractive female and gave you a little heads up; which, at the time, you definitely did not understand. but now you did, so seeing their grinning face did not surprise you.

averting your eyes away from your friend, you scanned the classroom. unsurprisingly, some of the boys were already checking out the teacher.

'well, at least i'm not the only one who thinks she's cute.'

"let me introduce you to your new maths teacher, miss. kang." your old maths teacher introduced.

the female beside him gave a small and slightly nervous wave to the class. "hello."

'oh man... even her voice is cute. my maths grade is either going to drop dramatically or increase immensely.'

"to help show her the ropes..." mr lee started. "i'll be teaching you for a few more days whilst miss. kang acts as an assistant teacher. so, open your textbooks to page 7 and let's get started."

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