jumin ✧ birthday '16

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– jumin x reader
– word count; 746


"what to get for the person who can afford anything..." you mumbled to yourself, tapping the pen you were holding against the wooden desk in front of you.

it was your boyfriend jumin's birthday in a weeks time, and you still hadn't thought of a decent gift idea. so, you had decided to sit down and brainstorm possible videas in hope of a new idea coming into mind.

"jumin has expensive taste... but i'm poor." you crossed off the word 'expensive' from your brainstorm and leant back in your chair, groaning in frustration.

"ok... cheap. but nice. handmade?" you scribbled the word 'handmade' down and started drawing different lines in a variety of bright colours.

picking up different coloured markers, you frantically started writing down some handmade present ideas - suddenly feeling like you were on to a great idea.

"ok, food? can't cook to jumin's taste. adios, idea." you grabbed a harsh red marker and crossed the word off, continuing to go through the same almost brutal process with your other ideas.

the slow and repetitive process seemed to go on for hours and hours, making your tiredness take over you.

propping your elbows on the desk and putting your head in your hands, you stared blankly at the scribbles in front of you. shabby red crosses seemed to fill most of the sheet, but one part of the paper seemed to catch your eye - the word 'scrapbook' largely inked in a bright blue marker.

"ah, finally. an idea."


rubbing your still sleepy eyes, you turned over onto your side and grabbed your phone, checking the date.

wednesday, october 5.

"the day's finally here, it's jumin's birthday." you sighed contently to yourself, a small smile on your face.

now full with the celebration spirit, you hauled yourself out of bed and proceeded to get ready to go to jumin's house.

you had arranged for jumin's day off with jaehee the night before and planned to break the news to him before the time in which he usually left for work the next day. this would, hopefully, be a happy surprise for the male.

putting on your favourite outfit, you grabbed a silver present bag tied in a dark blue ribbon and headed out the door to your boyfriend's house.


as you were stood outside of the door to his house, as if on cue, it swung open to reveal the man dressed in a suit and ready to go to work.

"surprise! happy birthday!" you beamed with a goofy smile plastered on your face, which seemed to take jumin seriously by surprise.

"y/n, thank you, but you didn't have to come all the way out here - i have work now." he replied.

you giggled slightly and shook your head. "nope!~ me and jaehee arranged for you to have a day off! now come on, you need to open your present!" you stood up on your tip toes and forced jumin to turn around, lightly pushing him into the house after.

following him in and shutting the door, you were taken by surprise when you felt a kiss on your cheek. you turned around to see your smiling boyfriend grab your hand gently and lead you to the living room, the sensation of his hand in yours filling you with happiness.

the pair of you sat on the long sofa together as you handed jumin the silver bag. "happy birthday again! i love you~" you hummed sweetly, a wide grim on your face.

your actions caused jumin to lightly chuckle. "thank you, i love you too."

without hesitation, jumin pulled off the neatly tied ribbon and opened the bag, pulling out an average sized notebook.

"what's this?" he asked, confusion but curiosity written in his expression.

"open it!"

your boyfriend complied to your order and carefully opened the book, revealing a sweet picture of you and jumin with "happy birthday ju-ju!" written next to it in a brightly coloured marker.

without saying a word, but a smile on his face, jumin continued to flick through the scrapbook. it had pictures of you both scattered on pages, hand-written letters in cute envelopes, cartoon cat drawings, and a lot more in.

you looked at your boyfriend and gave him a sweet smile. "well? do you like it? it's a scrapbook of our relationship so far!"

he gave you another small and sweet kiss before pulling you into a hug.

"i love it, thank you, y/n."


– a/n; sorry if this is poorly written, but happy birthday jumin !

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