jaehee ✧ breakfast

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– jaehee x reader request
– word count; 539


jaehee's attention diverted from the movie her and y/n were watching for their first date after she heard a small yawn come out of the girls mouth.

pausing the film and turning to the evidently sleeping girl, she put a hand on her shoulder and gently shook her. "y/n, are you alright?"

"hm...? oh, yeah.. i'm just tire... d..." the girls [e/c] eyes began to shut as she let out another yawn.

"well, we can go to sleep if you wan-"

jaehee was unable to finish her sentence as y/n's head landed on her shoulder, a faint snoring sound filling the silence.

the brunette smiled as her cheeks turned a pale tint of red. carefully, she lied down on the sofa and positioned the girls head on her stomach, in hope that she wouldn't wake up because of the movement.

"well, it's not like i have the strength to carry you to bed... and i'd feel guilty leaving you on the sofa..." jaehee reassured herself, stroking her girlfriend's [h/l] [h/c] hair.

she let out a small sigh, before whispering a faint "good night", falling into a peaceful sleep moments after.


"y/n!~" seven knocked on the apartment door, checking the time to be 9:00am, "i'm coming in, you better have made me that breakfast like you promised!"

the red haired male opened the door and walked into the apartment, his gaze immediately landing on the two sleeping girls on the sofa, y/n and jaehee.

"god, you invite me for breakfast but you're too busy lazing on the sofa with your girlfriend! tut, tut~" luciel whispered, taking his phone out of his jacket pocket and opening the camera.

he snapped a few pictures of the pair before laughing to himself. "well, you were going to tell them soon... i'm just speeding up the process!"

[707, jumin han, yoosung★, ZEN]

707: i have some news to tell you all!!

ZEN: what is it?


*picture of y/n and jaehee sleeping*


707: meet the new rfa power couple!!

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707: meet the new rfa power couple!!

jumin han: they're dating?

707: yep! they wanted to tell you all for a while...

ZEN: then how did you know?

707: a hacker knows everything.

yoosung★: they look so happy together

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yoosung★: they look so happy together...

yoosung★: so cute!!

707: so everyone's fine with this??

jumin han: of course.

ZEN: i'm always a supporter of love.

yoosung★: yes!

707: good, then we're all in agreement.

707: for when you both read this, good luck to the two of you !!

jumin han: we wish you the best.

[jumin han has left the chatroom.]

ZEN: i hope your relationship is full
of happiness!

[ZEN has left the chatroom.]

yoosung★: congratulations guys!!

[yoosung★ has left the chatroom.]

[707 has left the chatroom.]

seven put his phone back into his jacket and left the apartment, deciding to come back for breakfast another day.


bonus section:

you had just finished reading the chatroom about you and jaehee, a goofy smile spreading across your face.

you scrolled back up to the picture seven had sent and screenshotted it, then proceeding to set it as your new lockscreen.

"gah... so cute!~" you hummed, admiring the photo of you and jaehee. "i'm glad everything went well."


– a/n; i don't think wattpad will let me tag the user but request from @TrancyIsFancy, hope you liked it!

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