jaehee ✧ surprise

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– jaehee x reader
– word count; 413


"jaehee!" you spoke through the phone with an enthusiastic tone. "when are you coming home from work?"

"i should be back in around ten minutes... why?" she asked, sounding very worn out and stressed.

"i've got a surprise waiting for you!" you cheered, hoping to get the assistant's interest.

"wait... you're in my house?"

you chuckled lightly before responding. "yes! you did give me a key, you know. well! i'll see you soon!"

before jaehee got a chance to speak again, you hung up. otherwise, you knew she'd try and force the surprise out of you.

after you had hung up, you started adding some finishing touches to your surprise, standing back slightly to admire it in it's final state.

"i hope jaehee likes it..."


jaehee stood outside her front door whilst fumbling with her keys, trying to find the right one for her house. but it turns out she needn't go through with the trouble.

before she could find the right key, the door swung open to reveal her girlfriend, y/n, dressed in a baggy sweater with a ridiculous smile plastered on her face.

"jaehee! are you ready for your surpise?" the girl beamed excitedly with her hands on her hips, giving off a proud appearance.

the drained female sighed in response before giving you a small nod to say 'ok'.

if it was even possible, y/n's smile grew even larger after seeing jaehee's small nod of approval. she grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the surprise, remembering to shut the front door behind her.

"ok! it's in here..." y/n declared, stopping outside of jaehee's bedroom door. "are you ready?"

the brown haired girl gave her girlfriend another small nod, the feeling of exhaustion slowly taking over her body.

without another word, y/n pushed open the bedroom door and gently pushed jaehee into the room, her face immediately brightening up.

"w-what's this?" she stuttered, her eyes wide with amazement.

"a blanket fort~" the proud girl hummed. "made by yours truly!"

y/n walked to jaehee's side and gave her a sweet smile before continuing her explanation.

"when i call you after work, you always seem so tired... so i thought i'd make you someplace where you can relax! oh, with me, of course~"

jaehee let out a light laugh before enveloping her girlfriend in a gentle hug.

"thank you, y/n. i love you."

the girl smiled a genuine smile before responding. "i love you too!"


– a/n; the world really needs more jaehee fluff so i took on the duty to write some for you

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