zen ✧ photoshoot

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– zen x reader au
– word count; 1381


"y/n, you're going to be late for the photoshoot!"

whilst the makeup artists and hair stylists were adding their finishing touches, the sound of your impatient managers knock harshly vibrated through the room. it irritated you to the very core. normally, you could put up and deal with it. but today, your manager was ten times more impatient than usual: meaning she banged on the door ten times louder and more often than she usually did.

the powerful knocking stopped for a moment. "don't forget it's not just you modelling today, we don't want to keep him waiting!" your manager piped one last time before you heard her footsteps getting quieter and quieter as she walked down the corridor.

"ah... i think she's finally gone." you huffed in relief, earning a small chuckle from one of the hairstylists.

a few moments later, the artists and stylists stood up in unison and looked you up and down, small satisfactory smiles appearing on their faces.

"there, we're finally done."

"wow, so pretty!~"

they started exchanging positive words to each other, seeming very happy with their work.

"ah, y/n, here's a mirror!" one of the stylists said, lugging a full length mirror over to you. "what do you think?"

you stayed silent for a moment, just looking at your reflection in the mirror. "wow..."

whenever you were asked to model, you were always surprised with the outcome; since outside of your job you ironically didn't care that much for looks. the truth is, you'd be happy just staying in bed all day wearing some baggy sweatpants and an oversized sweater. compared to this, you were basically a completely different person at work, and that never failed to surprise you.

"do you like how you look?" one of the makeup artists chirped, with a big grin on her face.

"you guys really are the best of the best, huh." you complimented. "thank you."

"well!" one of them exclaimed, raising her arm excitedly in the air. "it is our job, after all. but now is your time to shine, so go!" her arm fell from the sky and pointed to the door as the other members of staff pushed you gently outside, sending big grins your way.

"i'll do my best!" you beamed, returning a big and goofy smile.


as you entered the photo studio, nerves started filling up inside of you. there were tons of people running around, moving lights, testing cameras: it was just the sort of atmosphere that could easily stress someone out. however, your nerves suddenly changed to agitation when you saw your manager frantically running towards you, making a face that would make you think death was on her front door.

"y/n! there you are, took you long enough, we're all waiting for you!" she whisper shouted, giving you a stern look that you had seen many times before.

you sighed, feeling incredibly salty.

"really? it doesn't look like anyone's ready yet, in fact, it looks like they're still setting up." you calmly spoke, as your attention was diverted to a clock on the wall. "oh! look at the time, it's... 1:10. doesn't the shoot start at 1:30? now, if you'll excuse me. it seems i'm terribly late."  you finished, adding a mocking tone to the word 'terribly' to put your point across clearly.

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