seven ✧ distraction

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seven x reader
– word count; 482


"saeyoung... please take a break?"

seven had been glued to his computer for hours on end now, only taking breaks to go the toilet. you knew he had to work a lot... but this much?

"hm..." he hummed groggily in response, his fingers still rapidly hitting the keyboard keys.

'that was a no.' you thought to yourself.

sighing in defeat, you left the dark and messy room, thinking of a plot to get your boyfriend to rest - even if it was just for a few minutes.

and as you were leaning against the wall outside of seven's pit, it came to you: an idea to get the red head's eyes off the computer screen even for a split second. although, it was probably the stupidest and most embarrassing idea you have ever thought of.

you rushed to seven's wardrobe and swung the wooden doors open, revealing an array of brightly coloured clothes; but more importantly, a maid outfit with a set of cat ears and a tail.

"does it really have to come to this...?" you muttered to yourself, holding up the outfit with a look of uncertainty plastered across your face.

"saeyoung, you idiot."


now wearing the ridiculous outfit, you opened the door into the dark room and stepped inside - your action not earning the slightest reaction from the hacker.

"saeyoung~" you purred, walking over to the boy.

"hm..." he hummed in response, giving you the same blunt response as he did last time you came in.

'gah... let's just get this over and done with...'

"nya?" trying to give off the slightest bit of enthusiasm, you lifted up your hands and put them out in front of you, trying your best to do a cat pose.

seven's fingers stopped typing for a moment, before slowly turning his head around to meet your gaze.

"geh!?" the red head looked very taken aback by what you were wearing, a small blush creeping up to his cheeks.

"will you come and take a break no-... nyow?"

your attempt at speaking like a neko made seven laugh lightly, before standing up and making his way over to you.

"well, how could i say no to my little neko?~" he cooed, giving you a quick kiss on the nose before leading you to his bedroom.

seven took his shirt off before crawling under the bed sheet covers, presumably waiting for you to join him.

"i have to sleep... in this?" you asked, holding the ends of the maid dress in your hand.

"of course... otherwise i'll go and start working again!"

after exhaling quietly, you crawled under the sheets with your boyfriend as he pulled your small body into his larger one.

"are you happy now?~" saeyoung asked, playing with a bit of your [h/c] hair.

murmuring a small "yes", you proceeded to nuzzle your head into saeyoung's bare chest. "i couldn't be any happier."


– a/n; if you guys have any prompts or requests for a jumin x reader chapter please comment them because i haven't got the slightest idea on what to write for him

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