saeran ✧ tinder

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– saeran x reader
– word count; 500


you had been swiping left for what seemed like hours, dismissing all potential matches on tinder. it was becoming extremely repetitive, all of the suggested males looking extremely douchey from their photos.

after a few hours of going through the same process, you finally found a profile that looked interesting... if you could even call it a profile.

the persons name was set as "unknown" and their only available picture was the default facebook profile - an outline of a male figure. it intrigued you because it was so rare to find an incomplete profile on tinder, seeing as the whole point of it was to get a partner through your looks, respectively.

hoping to finally gain entertainment from your afternoon aimlessly searching for a match on tinder, you swiped right and it immediately came up as a match, luckily for you.

you were about to send the mysterious "unknown" a message, but they had beaten you to it.

unknown: hello, y/n.

y/n: hello, unknown... do you have a name i can call you?

unknown: it doesn't matter, but i am quite surprised you swiped right.

y/n: eh, you just seemed interesting. if you're not going to give me a name, do you at least have a photo?



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y/n: ha... you're the worst catfish i've ever seen.

unknown: why would you think that i'm a catfish?

y/n: well let me see, you won't even give me your first name but you send me a picture that isn't even set as your profile picture.

y/n: you could've just made up a name in the first place to keep my quiet, you know.

unknown: ...

unknown: ok, my name's saeran and this is what i look like.

unknown: ok, my name's saeran and this is what i look like

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just as you had hoped, he was hot. really hot. you felt your cheeks heat up slightly and your lips formed into a small smile as you typed the only response that came to mind.

y/n: holy shit--

unknown: is something wrong?

y/n: nothing's wrong. but if you had set that as your profile picture in the first place i guarantee you would have loads of matches.

unknown: really?

y/n: yeah!

unknown: hm, i'm not really bothered about matches anymore.

y/n: but finding matches is the whole point of tinder...

y/n: wait, "anymore"?

unknown: you're my match now.

y/n: as i said before, finding matches is the whole point of tinder... note the word matches - meaning multiple.

unknown: oh? how many matches do you have?

y/n: ...

y/n: ;-;

y/n: you're my only one.

y/n: but only because i was harsh in my swiping.

unknown: yeah, i'm sure that's the reason why.

unknown: but anyway, you seem cute so can we talk some more?

as you read the word "cute", you felt your cheeks heat up - probably turning a bright shade of red. however, you were extremely happy that saeran wanted to talk to you more.

y/n: sure, i'd like that.


– a/n; i got sucked into the pit of watching tinder videos on youtube and had this idea :')

oh also i've made changes to the first chapter of this book so know requests are officially open (if you'd like to make one, please read that chapter first) and i'll now be writing one shots for v and saeran so yay for that

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