a/n ✧ discontinued

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In the chapter before (which I published in June 2017, which is almost a year ago... rip) I said this book was on hold... did I really mean that?

Well, uh, it's officially discontinued now

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Well, uh, it's officially discontinued now. Soz. Don't really know why I'm saying soz, this book's cringey asf, yet people are still reading it????? y

 Don't really know why I'm saying soz, this book's cringey asf, yet people are still reading it????? y

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Jokes aside, thanks for reading it whilst it lasted. I never in a million years imagined this many people would read it... like, 63k reads. Wot. I'm grateful for y'all, even if you are reading something that makes me want to die a painful death.

So, the Mystic Messenger One Shots book era is over. RIP unfinished drafts, RIP chapter ideas, RIP my love for Mystic Messenger. Adios.

[I still love Seven with a burning passion though. And Jaehee.💖💖💖]


From personal experience I know hardly anyone reads the "hEy HeReS wHaT iM pLanNiNg oN wRiTiNg" parts of books, but I can still talk about it o K A Y

So, what am I planning on writing? Well, nothing, really.

However, I am considering writing. Considering. I found an old book draft I actually kind of like for a Danganronpa book, so I might publish that. Maybe I'll write a Fire Emblem book? Who knows. Guess you'll have to follow me to find out ;)))))

(I'm joking please don't follow me I'll probably die in the near future)

Uh, yeah. Nice. I'm going to leave some pictures of Chrom from Fire Emblem below, because he's my DAD.

A D I O S  2 . 0


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(Okay I'm really done now, adios 3

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(Okay I'm really done now, adios 3.0)

Mystic Messenger One Shots [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now