They were Angels, their essence was love. Love towards every living and not living thing, love to themselves and to the Father. He didn't understand why this punishment and to his son, mainly his son's punishment. He was the result of pure love between one being and another. Angel or human, didn't matter, it was love. Something the Father had transmitted in His teachings, something that was impressed in them. But just as for humans, the Father was a figure in old books, He was not somebody you could go to with your troubles and sorrow. The Father is and was in everything, in them and humans. They were free to do as they pleased where His essence prevailed in most of them ... but not all of them accepted it.
How to tell to his son now the imposed punishment?, how to explain to him that it was his fault the way he was condemned? That he had lost the right to be a normal human being or an Angel. What was he then? A spawn as Tusuer and Meckham put it? The best thing was to not to say anything and find an opportunity to explain to Aekhem when times were calmer. They still had to come alive from the coming war.
Lacjner couldn't find the words to console his friend so he let him be alone with his thoughts. He started gathering, selecting and putting together one thousand Angels for the army they needed. He was an optimist, maybe there would be no war, maybe Tusuer when seeing all of the Angels coming after him he would give up. Thinking this way, he started the selection process.
Meckham watched from a distance all of these events. He had to find a way to warn Tusuer, for him to be ready. Tusuer would never give up, even if there one thousand times one thousand soldiers. Tusuer knew he had Meckham's back up in the Celestial. Once Tusuer overcome the Angels Meckham would take over the rebellion inside the Celestial and him and Tusuer would take control.
Behind him he heard a familiar voice.
"It does not matter how long it takes, I cannot demonstrate it right at this moment, but they will know you are planning. You will be judged the same as we were, all in good time.
May the Father condemn me and punish but if I see you on
Earth my sword will cut you in half before you set foot on it"
He met with Dregnar's eyes when he turned around.
"What are you doing here you renegade? Are you waiting for your army?. I don't know what you are talking about but I tell you this, enjoy your last minutes at the Celestial, go and say your farewells to your friends, I will be the one that will give you your last goodbye" he said smiling "tell your spawn that given the right time and the right place he and I will cross swords. I should have eliminated him when he came in at the gates. Go do what you were commanded soldier as we will make sure no longer has a despicable being come across the gates anymore"
"Enjoy it Meckham" Dregnar said "you've already realized not everybody trusts you. Do your duty right because I will be watching you always. You will never know if I am close or at a distance, remember, now I can be invisible if I wish it. That's my punishment and my new power, have you thought about it? If I can be invisible for humans, don't you think I can be as well as for the Angels? Even in the Celestial?"
Meckham doubt it for a second and pretended courage:
"Curse you damn Angel, do what you want, I will comply to my duty. I am not afraid of you, whenever and wherever you want, invisible or not, a day will come and I will finish your miserable existence ... and your offspring"
Dregnar smiled with satisfaction, he left himtrembling and upset.
FanfictionWe have been taught we are the only ones that can hurt ourselves. We are the only ones that could end this Earth. We have been taught wrong. There are forces surrounding us, controlling us, watching us and making sure we fail as a race. There are al...