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Abigael just felt the pain of so much loneliness and lack of love that Aekhem felt over the centuries. Always waiting for the right messenger and being able to stay in just one place. The loneliest of humans on Earth was an Angel, until today when his father came back just to die in front of him. She felt very close to him and admiration towards him. She felt her duty was to be right next to him and helped him as much as she could and they could accomplish the mission. But once again something else was at stake; beyond the Messengers and this was something she had to find out and help find out as much as she could. She wished with all her being to be at his side to do together whatever he wanted to do.

She heard Lacjner's voice tenderly saying:

"Angel!. Spread your wings!"

Her new body, almost the same size as Lacjner's body, totally naked, her skin shined with the sun and a light surrounded her, seeing herself like that, she covered her body in shame. Her body had ripened her clothes off her old body and they were laying on the floor. She felt something light but at the same time heavy and new on her back; big wings each one almost double the size of her body, white and golden, similar to Aekhem's. Her hair was blond which was originally brown as human and not as long as she had it now. She never thought of herself as a blond or at least not a blond with wings. Somehow this made her happy.

She couldn't stop feeling superior to her human form or the strength that was within her now a feeling of something bigger like she never felt before. She felt happiness like never before but she knew it was natural now. She felt peace of mind and body. Like coming to a place where you were welcomed and knew everybody that was there.

Lacjner watched her carefully:

"Jaws are going to fall to the floor" and smiled "You are the first Angel in the body of a woman ... it might not be a good idea for you ... wait!, wear this" and from the space that was not visible for humans but available to Angels which she saw the Angels pulled things from, like a little doorway to nothing, that she could see, it was a kind of a bag that was with them all the time; enough to keep your essentials in it but not but not big enough to put yourself in it.

From this sack, Lacjner pulled a suit for her which she put on right away. She did not need an explanation on how to put it on. As it unfolded bigger things came to sight, body suit, shields for her thorax, shoulders, legs and just by touching them they cover the suit on her body, connecting each one to the next as if they were alive. They adjusted and put pressure on her. Lacjner approched her, looked at her and said:

"This is going to hurt a little but you better get used to it" he pushed the "skin" on her chest and her bosom pushed against here almost to not being visible, she looked like a strong chest Angel. She exhaled a little moan of pain but understanding this was as it supposed to be. The pain diminished. She never had to wore a corset before, she thought that maybe it felt the same.

She looked at her own reflect at the cabin window, she looked at her face, somehow familiar and unfamiliar, her eyes were now big and steel blue, just like Lacjner's and she looked more like a combination of her father and mother but in a different way ... unexplainable.

When she looked at Lacjner he was aiming some kind of a fire weapon to her but the silver color shine and the way it shaped with his hand made her thought it was not. It was not a gun but it was a weapon. Lacjner said:

"I hope you know how to defend yourself" and shot a ball of blue and white fire to her.

Her body reacted and produced a similar weapon by moving her left hand slightly to the right and shot Lacjner a similar ball of white and blue fire which stopped Lacjner's shot. She shot him again and Lacjner responded with another shot colliding with her shot.

When the balls hit each other they ricochet to another direction, the first one hit a tree which went to ashes and the second one to the cabin's door which did the same thing. No fire, just ashes.

"STOP! NOW!" Lacjner yelled out.

Abigail was heavily breathing. Her heart wanted to get out of her vested crushed chest. Her right leg was extended all the way to the back of her and set firmly on the ground. She was holding a sword on her right hand. Her right arm was fully extended ready to attack. Wings were spread out, her back was arched. Lacjner watched her and said:

"Great form" while putting his weapon away.

She thought of her attacking position, she felt like a winged tiger or winged ninja. Lacjner had a pretty weird way to find out if she was ready or not. Relative or ancestor, one day she would get him back. Lacjner took off smiling.

Instinctively, she made a slight right hand wrist movement and when she returned it to the original position the weapon was gone. Same thing happened with the sword on her left hand, a slight movement to the left and it disappeared.

"Interesting" she thought.

But now was not the time to think or for lessons.

She looked up and Lacjner was very far away from her up in the sky. A white stream of light following him to the point where he was. Her wings spread out again without her thinking about it, her back arched down again. Her blades got close together and when they moved down she could only see how fast the ground was below her. She couldn't stop looking down and feeling how fast she was getting higher. Her wings acted like oars a couple of times until she reached Lacjner to his right.

Still moving up and looking at her he made a gesture putting one finger on his temple. She didn't understand and yelled:

"WHAT?" wind on her face, she couldn't even hear herself yelling.

He kept doing the same thing, something like saying "think!"

And she thought:

"What?. I don't understand you or your sign language. I don't

know what you want"

Lacjner's voice sounded clearly in her head:

"That is what I wanted. I can't talk to you through your mind unless you allow me to. Among us, we cannot talk to each other this way but your human side allows you to go into my mind and you can talk to me this way as long as you allow it" she nodded.

They kept moving up and she asked:

"Where is this place we're going?" she went quiet when she saw some kind of entrance in the sky that could not be appreciated at a glance.

A slight blue shine surrounded this shapelessentrance, it looked like the entrance of a cave but up in the sky ... acelestial cave!. The inside of it changed but not that much from where theywere and as they got closer she could the the shining blue color in contrastwith the blue sky. She knew that was the entrance to the Celestial.     

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