Once Dregnar's brothers learned about him and Serna, they thought they could finally do something about their feelings for the women they were always with them.
Bechner had two women and they didn't mind sharing him. Devan and Mishna. And they procreated children. Very much like him, impetuous and strong willed.
Lacjner alwas a master, patient and loving, shared his time with a beautiful young woman called Sefera, he also had a boy with her.
Their life now was pretty much like the human beings. They built houses for themselves. Gigantic proportions where they kept their families safe from the weather, night and day.
The Angel's children in the beginning were and behave like any other children their age but as they grew older their size in comparison was different from the other kids. Their strength and quick learning capacity. They were always curios and always helping kids their own age. But most of the time they were just like any other kid.
Every afternoon after their daily shores, Bechner, Lacjner, and Dregnar got together at Dregnar's home where their women and them shared what happened during the day and planned for the next one.
The village had accepted with contempt the news about four of their women getting together with the Messengers and had children with them. The Angels never made a difference between their children and those of the village. They always treated them equally.
Aekhem was the first born from an Angel and a woman and he was recognized as such. Faster than the other Angel's children, more inclined to adventure, smarter, and precocious and in reality a little taller than the other ones. He was known for his curly blond hair resting wildly on his shoulders. His mother wanted him to look like his father and never cut off his hair. He had steel blue eyes and when he was looking at something with special attention he stared at it like a hawk. It was definitely different from all of the kids. Although he played their games he spent a lot of time observing them. Kids usually got hurt playing with him, it was just too strong for them.
Bechner's children played as a team gaining up on him together to defeat him.
Dregnar's happiness surpassed any happiness he had ever felt or known up until that moment. He decided to stay with Serna for all generations to come or as many times she came back to earth.
The other Angels felt the same way, they wanted to stay there on earth and forever.
Among them decided Bechner was to fly to Tusuer and let him know what they had decided, notify him what they had accomplished and also they were willing and ready to travel with their families to other human villages, now probably populated towns. Their success would show the other Angels it was worth staying.
Bechner was not crazy about the idea of telling theother Angels about their decision. His hard and distrustful nature made himfeel nothing good was going to come out of this. They should just stay andforget about the rest. Dregnar and Lacjner told him there was nothing to worryabout. The news about their decision would be welcomed.

FanfictionWe have been taught we are the only ones that can hurt ourselves. We are the only ones that could end this Earth. We have been taught wrong. There are forces surrounding us, controlling us, watching us and making sure we fail as a race. There are al...