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There was no one in the house. When she opened her eyes she could see a window and outside. Slight rain falling. The kind of rain you feel only after you are soaking. The smell of burning wood coming from the chimney. The walls were made out of dark long wood logs. The smell of humidity behind closed rooms. The silenced rain falling. She was in a cabin, she didn't know where.

A thin blanket was covering her, she still was wearing her leather jacket. Her body ache, but maybe she had slept for a long time because she didn't remember exactly how she got there or what she was doing there.

Her body shook slightly, then the pain started to increase as she started shaking more. The memories started coming back. Terror grab a hold of her, panic, memories, it couldn't be, what happened had to be a nightmare, a horrible and stupid nightmare, it just couldn't be real.

She fell asleep on McCartneys' Road, the sparkplug, she was tired, it had to be that, a real bad dream. So many hours driving. But what was she doing inside a wooden cabin where the closed sky seemed natural. British Columbia? Washington State? What could she know, she'd never left Texas. But the internet and school geography classes told her it was a place like those. Where was she?

She got up still shaking. She looked through the window. Her car was outside, the water was running down the windshield waving. But it looked clean. No mud, or dust. How did it get there?

She felt a chill running through her back, she saw a human like shadow growing and getting smaller for the light coming from the fire in the chimney.

She turned and I saw him standing there, in front of the fire. The man she saw driving the truck. The Angel man. Looking straight to her eyes. Cold steel penetrating her eyes.

Looked around without moving and on the table she assumed was the dining room were her keys. She moved closer to them without staring down. He was like a man on the outside, but his cold eyes were like those of an animal watching its prey, an animal that could jump at any moment and tear her apart with its claws. She had already seen what he could do with nine feet tall beings, how long would she last?

He was looking at her, she knew what could happen any moment now. He could change shape at will and become one of those Angel like beings in less than two seconds if he wanted. As she got closer to the table, he started saying :

"Abigail ..."

"That's it!" she thought.

She took her keys, turned around, saw the door, she thought that it was probably locked and maybe she was going to start screaming, she didn't notice but she was already screaming. No lock. She went out. The breeze that was falling like rain got her face wet. She was running fast but it felt like the car was more like fifteen miles from where she was, her feet sunk in the mud and she was running slower, she slipped and fell, keys fell of her hand, she didn't care, she remembered she had a spare key hidden in a magnetic box under the car. She got up and went to the car, looked back, nobody following her. Right on top of the right front tire. Move fast, these demons move faster. She felt the tiny box with her fingers, got it!. The car door was unlock, Thank God! She thought. Opened the door, inhaled, felt her heart pumping pretty fast with every breath she took. Started the car. A perfect welcome. The car slid in the mud, and she started laughing out loud, and congratulated herself.

"hahahahaha hahahaha, hahahaha, in your face you idiots! What did you think? That I couldn't do it? Of course I can. I'm gone. I'm no ones prisoner!!!"

She remembered these beings could fly, she could see a right turn on the road and calculated ten seconds before she reached it. She held the wheel tight, looked up to the sky, no signs of any bird shape human flying. No cockatoos. And smiled. Then started laughing hard again.

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