Chapter 9

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"June you won't survive" I said again, Tom checked the closet and I checked under the bed. "Found you" Tom said I looked and smiled "good boy" I said.

Tom grabbed June by the head and was about to bite her when something slammed into him. He let go of June and stumbled a bit. Tom growled and charged at foxy womb I found out after he slammed into him.

I ran over to June and picked her up and placed her in my animatronic mouth about to bite down when something grabbed her out of my mouth. I growled at who ever did that "that was my lunch" I cried slamming into whoever it is.

" 'that' was my daughter" oh so it springy I frowned, I charged at him while he was holding June but he quickly throw June out the room through the door. I slammed into him and punched him landing a blow to his side.


"Owe" I stumbled back as midnight landed a blow to my side "foxy get the others I'll hold the to back hurry" I yelled over the foxy.

He nodded and took of running with June "my dinner" midnight cried and ran to the door but I grabbed her leg tripping her over feet.

"She not your dinner, she my daughter" I said puncheing midnight's in the face.

"That gonna leave a dent" midnight muttered, I felt something picking me up and slamming me against the wall. I looked to who did it only to see a punch to the face.


"Do you hear that nightmare" Bonnie said I looked confused.

"The running it sounds like foxy- oh it is foxy and June" Bonnie said again.

"No foxy is-" I cut my self of as I saw foxy but he seemed out of breath. "What the mater foxy" I asked, he was out of breath well that's new.

"Midnight... Tom... Bloodlust" oh shit midnight bloodlust is worse than mine. "Shit she's probably gonna go for June" I muttered.

"She already tried to eat her and springtrap can't hold the back forever p, springtrap said to get help we need to make mates" foxy said finally catching his breath.

I nodded and teleported is there "chica take June and hide" I said handing June to chica. "Okay" she nodded and she went to marionette basement/attic.

"We need to stop midnight because things is about to get bloody" I said.


I slammed dad against the was and punched his face before dropping him. Midnight was going to snap at his neck, I snapped out of bloodlust and jumped I fort of my dad.

She bit my neck and let go releasing me, she pushed me out of the way and grabbed my dad. Before she did hit him I punched the back of her head.

She dropped dad and growled at me, she charged but I dogged and tripped her up. She got up and aimed at my throat again I couldn't doge this time because the wall and my dad.

I screamed and kicked her off me she went flying into the wall behind her, she got up and charged but something was holding her back.

I looked behind her and noticed it was nightmare Freddy, "LET. ME. GO" she yelled but then a wicked smirked came across her lips.

She teleported over to me "hahaha" she laughed the way Fredbear laughs. She Jammed her hand into my animatronic stomach "ahh" I yelled the every thing went black.

Sory the update took long.

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