Road trip

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E: you need to be in my hotel room in like 15 minutes
J: its 4 in the morning
E: you're texting me aren't you?
J: gladly
E: then gladly get your ass to my room
J: fineeeee I'll be there in a few
E: cool cool dude❤️

I brushed my teeth, put on sweat pants and a tee shirt. It's 4 in the morning doesn't mean I have to be gorgeous.
*knock knock*
"Guess who?" He says popping his head in the door
"I wonder?" He walks himself in and stand in front of the now shut door
"You ready?" He asks scanning me up and down
"Yeah I think. Hold on let me get the key card."
He starts laughing. Uncontrollably.
"What are you laughing at?!" I ask
"Look at your shirt!!" I look down and saw a giant stain.
"Dammit!" I rip off my shirt. I'm wearing a bra so fuck it.
"It would be great if a girl could not get eyeballed when she takes off her shirt." That snapped him out of it
"Sorry. Boys." He places his hand on his neck and blushes slightly
"No it's fine. Take a look!" I spun around in a circle and again and again and I was super dizzy, I fell. Only it didn't hurt. I didn't fall on the ground I fell in Josh's arms. Great now I'm a tomato face.
"Awwwwww, I'm not the only blusher here."
"Sorry. Sorry" I pull myself out of his arms and go to my luggage. I take out another tee shirt not bothering to look at it.
"Nice shirt this time." He compliments. I look down and it's my Tøp tee. Ohh well.
"Shall we go?!" He bows and sticks out his arm for me to latch onto
"Of course dearest sir!" I hook arms with him and luggage in the other hand. I get the keys and give them to him.
We get to his car and he opens the door for me.
"My pleasure."
"Hey can I see your phone."
"Ummm ok Em why?"
"I don't have Jenna's number I'm gonna steal it from you."
"Ok. Take Tyler's too you guys seem cool. Brendon's too."
"Brendon isn't someone I really want to text due to his hyper active and awkward ness."
"Ohh sorry."
"It's no problem. Hey do you guys do performances in Michigan?"
"Yeah. We will have to visit some time!"
"I'd love that!"
We just share silence real quick but it's nice not awkward.
"I'm gonna call Jenna real quick sorry."
"Go ahead."
*ring ring*
"HEY how is it with Josh?" Did he ask you out?"
"What no, it's not bad actually. But anyways can you take the rental car back I left the keys for you."
"Honey I already took it back!"
"Gosh you should like my mother."
"That's not a bad thing!"
"How did you get my number anyway?" She questions
" I stole Josh's phone and took it off." I look at him and we smile at eachother real quick. I lay my head against the passenger window and unbuckle so I can get in a little ball.
"Does he know you have it? Do you still have it?"

"No no no. I'm not that mean!"
"Jenna I'm gonna hang up on you!"
"Be with Joshua, Mrs.Dun!"
"Hey wait wait wa--"
*beep beep beep*
"She hung up on me!!"
"Hahaha that's so like her. Did she insult you before she did?"
"No not really I find it more of a compliment but it could be taken either way!"
"Want to listen to music?"
"Sure," he pressed a few buttons on the car radio before it started up but he kept his eyes on the road. "I'll let you choose the channel."
"Aww thanksssss!" I flipped through a few channels before I heard 'Ride' and it just started too! He looked at me a sighed and I started crazily dancing.
"Gosh if you danced like that at the concert I think there is a reason you got punched."
"You would have noticed me either way! We're inseparable."
I started singing the lyrics with my terrible singing voice and he taps out the drum beat in the steering wheel. I even unbuckled again to get into his ear and sing as loud as possible. He whinced in pain.
"You should kick Tyler out of the band and I'll take over."
"Ohh yeah. We would get so popular so fast."
"Hahaha you're very funny."
"I get that a lot"
"You should say 'hello my name is Josh fun. I don't know a Josh dun!'"
"Ohh dude. That's SICKKKKK!"
We couldn't stop laughing and my laugh is so bad we starting laughing at my laugh!!
"Umm Emily, we're here." Well shit, I don't want it to be over
"Dammit can we just sit in the car for a while?"
We both unbuckled and pushed up our arm rests. We faced towards eachother and both sat cris crossed staring in each others eyes.
"Here," he suggests "20 questions?"
"Yes please! You go first!"
"Favorite color?"
"Favorite emoji"
"The snake"
"Favorite --"
"Stop with the favorite things"
"Ok this one is good though"
"Favorite part about me?"
"I haven't discovered every part of you though"
"Ohh really?"
"Yeah?" I repeat
"Fuck yeah" he mumbles under his breath. He leans forward fast and crabs my cheek and kisses me. We move closer to eachother and I put my arms around his neck and pull him closer than he already is. We come back up for air and go back to our session. I moan out of my mouth but it is muffled by the fact that we're locked together. He swirls my hair in his hands and he bites my lips, begging for tongue to play a role. I open up my mouth wider and our tongues collide. His swirling around to make contact with every part of my mouth and mine doing the same. His saliva tasted like coffee. Josh let out a baby groan which was enough to let me know we need air. I couldn't stop though because this feeing that me and him had when we kiss is one feeling ill always crave and never forget. It's so indescribable and I mean that in a good way. Josh dun gives me feelings that I never want to lose.
We eventually separate for air but only air it's just a lot of panting from both of us.
"Did you feel that? I'm not a big kisser but i --"
"Really? I thought I was going crazy!"
"You're not trust me, but yeah I got that feeling too. I--"
"Can't describe it?" We both nod
"Me too."
We just sit. And stare. It's not awkward, not pushy or uncomfortable, but nice.
"We should go inside." I say but immediately regret it because of how sexual it sounds. I just face palm myself. He immediately reads my face.
"Listen Emily I get it, we're not gonna get naked with eachother just yet but sure lets go inside."he says rubbing my arm to get me to look at him and it works. And Just yet? yet.
I take a deep breath and just sit in the car. Josh is already out and making his way to my door. He opens it for me.

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