Little drummer girl?

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"Fine, here" I grab the shed keys and throw them at his face. He managed to catch them. Sick. He runs in front of me to get the door for me.
"Thank you!"
"My pleasure." We walk outside to the shed and I just sigh.
"Why didn't you tell me you were good at drums?" He says nudging me
"It's not my favorite thing to do. I also play clarinet that's fun!"
"Clarinet? Hey squidward when did you get here?"
"Hahahahah not like I've heard that before!"
"Ohh lighten up! What chair were you?"
"At my school we didn't have chairs but if we did I would have had first chair."
"Ohh you're that good?"
"Pretty great my man!"
"Ok let's play some drums!"
He Unlocked the shed and opened the doors while I stood back freezing. Still wearing his coat but he's not wearing mine. Probably showing off his tattoos. 
"Aww dude this is SICK!"
"I'm gonna be sick if we stand here any longer."
He then looked at me and saw me getting hypothermia so then he hugged me and spun me around.
"What I'm warm your not and I'm good at sharing."
"Fine. Free hugs." He put me down and we walked into the shed and he didn't even bother looking at the drums he was searching for the sticks.
"Josh," his eyes shot up at me "they should be on that shelf over there."
"Got it." He fiddled with the sticks and sat down on the seat.
"Play me something."
"Like tøp something or just normal something?"
"I could care less." I grab a chair and dust it off and sit in front of the kit.
"Ok ummmm," he starts biting his lip adjusting the symbols and seat." I'll start off easy. Show you something I could do in my sleep." He played a rhythm and repeated it with a few crashes every now and then. He was already bouncing in his chair and getting worked up. He looked at me and raised his eyebrows in a that's not so bad kinda look.
"Ok now I'll go crazy on you. I see there is a radio do you have the Twenty one pilots disc?"
"I'll go get it." I run into the house and grab the cd and run back. "Here." I put in the cd "What song?"
"Lane boy."
"Ohh that's my moms favorite!"
I skip to Lane Boy and he begins to beat the shit out of those drums. I take out my phone and sit back down in my chair and record him on snapchat and Instagram. When it gets to the  dub step part he loses his shit. I'm pretty sure he would have broken all of the drums if he has beat just a little harder. He stops and gets up and presses stop on the Radio. He sighs and looks back at me
"That was great, almost like a private concert except I don't have any friends." Ohh shit "fuck" I mumble under my breath
"School! We go back from spring break in a month. Everybody is going to see us! Got people are gonna hate me!"
"You go to college?"
"It's not far actually around the corner."
"Ok good I thought I might have to travel like 10,000 miles just to see you."
He gets back off the drum set, and sticks the drum sticks in my face.
"Your turn!" He smiles
"How about no," he drops the sticks "but instead I-" i look around on shelfs and find a case. I reach out and grab it while he just watches me while i talk. "teach you Clarinet becuase i already know how to play the drums."
"You always work your way out of things don't you?"
"I try!" I shake my head
"Too bad get on the drums and i'll set up your squidward machine."
"You shouldn't be making fun of me," I grab the sticks and adjust everything I need to.
"Ohh yeah why not?"
"I know you play trumpet. And honestly from the concert you need some work. My dad use to teach me trumpet, but I could never learn."
"And so the clarinet is harder?"
"If you think about it yes." He turns and stares at me confused.
"Yeah we have to memorize more keys and how to hold and blow on the piece of wood."
"Thats what she said."
"Shut up. Ok which is which."
"Trumpet is brass and clarinet is plastic."
"No the drums!"
"Ohh this is the symbols, the kick stand, the bass drum, the mounted toms and the floor toms."
"Got it." He looks back at the clarinet trying to figure out how to piece it together and when it doesn't glide on the cork he just is baffled. I start playing the beat that he said he could do in his sleep.
"Beat a bit harder."
"Like this?"
"No here." He stops working on the clarinet puzzle and comes behind me. "Scoot up a bit."
"Are gonna pull a Patrick Swayze on me?"
"I can try!" He places his chin on my shoulder and grabs my hands from behind. I feel his breathing on my neck and it tickles that spot so I move my head onto that shoulder. When I do this I can feel him smile and he re adjusts himself properly so I don't get tickled again. He drops his hands from mine. I'm shook.
"Here," he starts " you play first."
I beat out a rhythm.
"So now you're being louder but the next problem is your back."
"My back?"
"Yeah your slouching."
"If I didn't have a guy all up on me from behind I wouldn't be slouching."
"Well sorry." He kisses my shoulder and I move my head and lay on his.
"Clarinet time?" I ask turning around a bit
"Let's do it!"
"Cool cool."
"I couldn't get it all together though." He says getting up.
"It's not that hard. From what I remember."
"You do it. And why is there Chapstick in there?"
"That's not Chapstick." I say pulling out the Chapstick like tube " it's cork grease. You put it on the cork part so it glides on smoother. Kinda like lube!"
"Instrument lube."
"Trumpets have what's called trumpet grease or fingering grease."
"That's a lot of sexual references. I don't think I could handle it."
I put together the rest of the Clarinet and open the box of new reeds. I place one on the slot blowing while adjusting it to make the sound perfect. I screw the feed into place and begin to look for a childhood book.
"Don't die."
"I know something else that's really pretty." He looks at his feet and puts his hand behind his neck. I give him the slightest peck on the cheek and return to what I was doing. I begin playing the very beautiful and very short piece. When I finish I look at Josh and he's clapping and I take a short bow.
"Thank you thank you."
"Wonderful my lady wonderful!"
"Ok so look at the book, read the notes and play."
"I don't know how."
"Put your mouth on the wood and blow, try not to chip the reed it's very sensitive."
He began to blow but just got a loud high pitch squeal.
"I see what you did wrong. Don't use all lips, place your teeth on the top part here, and put your right hand thumb under the tab and your other hand goes over the keys and the thumb key."
" do I press them?"
"No don't press any buttons."
He blows and gets a perfect g.
"Yayyyyyyyyyy!" I start clapping
"What was that?"
" a g!"
"More like ugly. I can't play like you."
"And I can't play drums like you so i guess we're even."
"I guess."
"Uhh Josh."
"Look." I turn on my phone to the lock screen which is the average iPhone screen and show him the time. It's about 4:30.
"I don't want to go." He pleads.
"You can't stay with me! I wish though. Here let me looking something up."
"Ok." He goes back to the drum kit and taps out a simple beat and does it quietly.
"Here look." I give him my phone and it tells him the concert day in Michigan. It's next week.
"Ohh gosh." He mumbles but I can still hear him.
"Should I order tickets?"
"No I'll get you in. So yeah you can order tickets but it'll be a waste of money because I'll just take you with us anyway."
"Got it. Not ordering tickets"
He places his head into his hands and this upsets me. I walk over to the drums and sit on the one infront of him. I caress his arms in hopes he will notice me noticing his distress.
"Hey what's wrong."
"Nothing just my head hurts from thinking so much." He looks up at me and puts his chin in his hands this time. He sighs and smiles at me.
"Do you want some medicine? I have Advil."
"No. No." He gives me a peck on the lips " I'm good thanks."
"What are we thinking about?" I peck him back
"The Michigan show." He pecks me back.
"What about it?" I peck
"How I can't wait for it." He pecks
"Me neither." I peck
"It'll be a great show." He pecks only he pecks a little too hard so that makes me break the drum and fall trough the top sheet of it. We both bust out laughing and I can't get myself out of the drum barrel. I guess those haters that said I'm too fat are right. Lololololol. Josh stands up and picks me up bridal style. Still laughing at me. He places me on the drum seat and he goes towards the wall. He looks exactly how he did when he was against the car. Leg up, hand in pockets. Except this time I fixed my hair and he watched and stared even after I finished.
"What?" I say looking back at him. He just shakes his head
"You look like your planning my murder."
He begins to chuckle a little. " no no, Im memorizing."
"What? Memorizing?"
"Every part of your face."
" so you can compare it to when I'm dead? because you viciously murdered me!"
We both let out a good laugh and he walks over and flips the drum I just broke and he sits on it.  Still staring.
"What's your favorite movie?" He asks randomly.
"That's a good one."
"You know what else is a good one?"
"The shining?"
"No. This." I lean in and kiss him just as before.  Tongue and all. He keeps one hand in his pocket and the other is cupping my cheek. I have my hands around his neck. We're pretty deep into the kiss when his side of the drum breaks. So we're forced apart I let out a little chuckle and:
"oh no it's not over!" He whispers to me and pulls me back into the kiss that was previously interrupted. I smile as big as I can through the kiss. Josh picks himself up out of the drum shell and stops the kiss. He stands up and squats down and picks me up by the knees. Now I'm upside down facing this guys ass. And I'm laughing every second of it hitting Him in the side as he carries me to who knows where.
"I'M slipping."
He stops walking for a second to boost me back up and he continues walking.
"Gosh you're actually kinda light."
"Number one: I broke a drum sitting on it number two: yeah now I'm light headed."
"Well here." He puts me down infront of his car and I brush my hair out of my way.
"So, this is goodbye?"
"But you have to lea-"
"I'm not leaving forever. Plus we have texts and phones and FaceTime and snail mail and whatnot. I would never leave you for the world."
"Same here."
We kiss again and he gets in his car and puts his new coat next to him.
"Tell Jenna and Tyler I said hey and tell them to text me!"
"Will do."
"And tell Brendon to go get a girlfriend."
"Got it."
"Buh-bye!" We peck once more and he's gone.

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