Wall chats

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"I don't want to see her." Jenna says. I see Josh and Tyler rush in to see what's happening.
"She wanted to see how you were doing before we take her to jail." One officer said
"What's she going to jail for?" I ask
"Attempted murder." The officer says
"I still don't want to see her." Jenna says
"But Jenna, I didn't mean to please tell the cops that!" Debby says. Jenna starts laughing.
"So you deliberately pushing me infront of a car with two other eye witnesses is you not doing it?" Jenna says "yeah right. Can she leave?"
"Yeah we will be on our way." The officer pulls Debby away and we see she's handcuffed.
"Wait can I say one last thing?" Debby asks the officer.
"You have 30 seconds." He says looking at his watch
"Josh." All eyes on Josh "I still love you just remember that."  I bite my lip becuase I don't want to scream at her. Josh nods and Debby is gone. Another cop comes in to investigate and get the information they need for a trial. They question Jenna then Tyler then Josh and I but they let us go becuase we weren't there and our story cleared up.
We sat back down outside in the hallway like before.
"What the hell has the world come to?" I ask. Leaning on his shoulder.
"I wish I knew." Josh says.
"Attempted murder. And just when I get called in for state jury duty." I say
"Yeah I have to go down there this Friday so they can ask me about jury duty. I'm just gonna tell them i would be super bias and leave."
"I hated jury duty." Josh said "it's a waste driving down for like 2 hours just to tell them you can't do it anyway."
"Creamcicle. That's the color we're going with?" I ask
"Yeah I guess so. I need a cut but your roots aren't all that bad." He says playing with my hair.
"It got longer I think it was the green."
"Maybe. It will look cute orange though." He lays his head on top of mine and rubs my back
"Why didn't you say anything to Debby." I ask
"Same reason you were biting your lip." He says
"You were gonna lash out on her?" I ask
"Maybe not physically but through words definitely."
"It took me a lot to not kick her in her vagina." I start laughing, so does Josh and he throws his head back and hits the wall. "Ow" he's still laughing. And I start laughing more. "You want to try to get Starbucks again?" He asks
"Let's just dye our hair for now. I've had enough Starbucks for a day."
"Ok. Should we go back though? I don't know if Jenna wants us to stay or Tyler or what."
"Speaking of Tyler tell me what happened." I ask "after I walked out."
"I don't know but he just started apologizing and all. It was freaky. Sorry he called you that though."
"No that's what Jenna and I were laughing about." He looked confused "She asked me why I wasn't out there to defend myself and I said he's devastated so he's gonna say bullshit."
"You curse a lot." He says
"I fucking know right?" We both start laughing. "I'll stop." I say. "When ever I get passionate or into a conversation I throw curse words every where I can to prove my point and to snap people out of a trance."
"So you really want to move next to me?"
"Why not just move in with me?" He asks
"it would cost you less, I would finally be forced to get off my ass every once in a while, I would see you more, and -"
"Josh. I think that's a little too fa-"
"Baby steps. I know. I really want this to work." He puts his hand on my thigh. "I don't know. Just a thought."
"I appreciate it but I feel like I need my own private life. Away from boys, friends, family. Just myself." I grab his hand and hold it. "I know it sounds like hell, but if we were to ever get in an argument and we lived together. Imagine how much we would do things we would regrets."
"Have you ever moved in with a boyfriend?" He ask rubbing my hand with his thumb
"I-" I start "I've never really had a real boyfriend. So there was no need to move in. I mean I've had middle school boy friends and Brendon was as real as it got for me but that was in high school so this is a first for me."
"Well." He states "I'm glad I could be there for you. But I'm not going to force you to move in with me. I'll let you take your time. Then you can come back to me."
"Wait." I feel confused I move my head away from his "are you breaking up with me until we move in together?" His face drops
"OH GOD NO." He starts laughing "that's not at all what I meant I'm sorry."
"Ohh well that's what it sounded like I'm sorry." I lay my head back down on his shoulder.
"I should have worded that better." He says.
"Should we tell Jenna bye? I'm ready to dye my hair." I say
"Yeah sure" he gets up and I watch. He sticks out his hand for me to grab and I do. "Let's go."

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