Before you go

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The meet up with Josh's dad was great because it never happened. Yeah his family left yesterday. His dad apologized to me but i told him it was fine. After that, it was time for josh to pack. He was telling me the weirdest experiences to happen to both him and Tyler on stage while he packed and I helped him.
"So someone brought an actual car radio?" I asked
"Yeah! And it was this little girl in the very front with her mom. I think I've seen it on YouTube before."
"That's crazy."
"It was smart too. I never would have thought about getting a car radio while on stage." He laughs.
"What about this Halsey girl? Anything weird happened to her so far?" I ask
"I have no idea. But she seems nice so it'll be fun." He says finally zipping up his luggage. He stands up and pulls his luggage to a corner and keeps it there. I just fall back on the bed playing on my phone.
"Ughh." I grunt. "Do you have to go?" I ask putting my phone to the side.
"Yes but I invited you but you kept saying no so." He shrugs. "It's not to late to change your mind."
"I asked if you had to go not if I did. And I don't have to go so I'm good." I say. Josh gets on the bed and lays his head next to one (kinda like in the fault in our stars).
"You want to do something before I have to go?" Josh asks.
"How long do we have?"
"All day. It's morning, I don't have to leave till later tonight. So all day." He shrugs.
"What were you thinking?" I ask open for opportunities. He gets up off the bed and grabs my hands pulling me to stand up.
"You want to go to Disney?" He smiles.
"NO WAYYYYY." Jenna says as we pull into DisneyLand.
"Josh I'm so glad you invited me babe." Tyler says giving josh a fake kiss on the cheek.
"Aww dude I'm trying to drive." Josh says wiping his cheek with his palm.
"No actually thanks a lot for inviting us." Jenna says giving me a hug.
"Don't thank me. It was Josh's idea." I tell Jenna.
"Let's not thank anybody and ride some rollercoasters yeah?" Josh says putting the car in park.
"Hell yeah." I high five Jenna. We all get out of the car and take in the view. Josh suddenly locks arms with me and so I kiss his cheek. My lipstick leaves a stain on his cheek.
"Did It leave a stain?" He asks
"Yeah." I chuckle taking out my phone. I snap a picture of it with the Ferris wheel in the background.
"Hold on I'll get it off now." I say licking my fingers and rubbing the stain away.
"Ok so we have 6 hours of pure fun and getting sick before the less sick one of us has to drive us back." Tyler says throwing his arm over Jenna's shoulder.
"The less sick person?" I ask
"Of course!" Tyler adds. "Less questions, more Disney." He says and starts walking towards the gate with Jenna. Josh and I stay back a second.
"You ready?" He asks.
"More than I'll ever be." I laugh.
"Ohh don't stress it. Jenna and Tyler will do their own thing. They always do." He says. "Let's go." He says before planting a small kiss on my head and walking in the gates.
"Look at the sunset!" I say feeling like I'm gonna puke but it fades away.
"Yeah." Jenna baby talks "it's prettttyyyy."
"Shut up." I say slapping her arm playfully.
"Where are the guys?"
"They said they wanted slushies." I said "we can share one." I said
"Nahh. I'll share with Tyjo." She nods. "This has been really fun I hate we have to go back."
"Well. They have to leave we don't."
"Speaking of WE." Josh says sitting down next to me and Tyler next to Jenna. "Blue raspberry." Josh says sticking the straw in my face. I grab it and take a sip while he rests his hand on my thigh like when he drives.
"How much more time till we have to leave?" I ask wiping my mouth.
"Like an hour." Tyler shrugs. "Speaking of, who is the less sick."
"My heads pounding." I say.
"Stomach is turning." Jenna says
"Same as Jenna." Josh says.
"Emily your driving."
"Wait what's wrong with you?"
"Brain freeze, and stomach hurts." Tyler says
"Ughh. You guys are such babies." I say holding my hand out for the keys and josh places them in my hand. "Do any of you even remember where we parked?" I ask seeing all of their heads shake.
"Even better." I laugh.
"Let's do gift shops for the next hour." Jenna says clapping.
"We haven't even rode the ferries wheel Jenna." Josh says.
"After the ferries wheel then!" Jenna adds with a smile plastered on her face.
"And ferries wheel after slushies?" Tyler says.
"Yeah sure whatever." Josh laughs. We continue talking about stupid crap and whatnot all while Josh's hand keeps its place on my thigh.
"It's two per cart." The ferries wheel worker says to the three people in front of us.
"Well fine then we won't go on it. Come on guys." One girl says stomping away while the other two friends keep their ground and get on the cart without their friend.
"Feisty." I say referring to the scene that just happened.
"How very." Josh says squeezing my hand. "You would think it wouldn't take long to get on a ferries wheel." He points out.
"Well it looks like Tyler and Jenna are having fun." I say watching them get on the next cart. They both wave at us as it slowly turns and we wave back. Soon josh and I are both climbing into a cart ourselves and were sent off. In view the whole park and taking in the lighting of the moment.
"You're so pretty." He says watching me take in the view. I turn and face him and a big smile grows on my face
"Stop." I say innocently.
"What?! You are." He says returning the smile and I stick my tounge out at him and laugh.
"Ok look." I say referring to the side of the cart. He gets to the side on his half of the cart and I start pointing to things.
"Hey guyssss!" We hear Jenna and Tyler scream. We look over to our side and see both of them waving. We both start laughing and waving back. I take out my phone and take a picture of them. Time to drive back home.

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