Chapter 5

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"Get the fuck away from me, Nate. I'm done—finished. You're insane, and I can't be with you."

"You go out that door right now, and I'll—I'll..."

Silence spirals around the room, neither one of us daring to look away. His brown eyes look into mine, chills skipping up and down my spine. With each step of his towards me, each breath of mine becomes heavier. Backing into the door, his hand caressing my face.

I move my head in the other direction of his hand, not wanting to feel his touch. With building courage, I push him back with much force, causing him to stumble back. He glares at me, his head tilted.

"You're in for it now, baby girl." He smirks, not the one that's sexy; the one that could rip my organs out with one blink of an eye.

Before I'm able to run out the door, he's got me by the throat, not daring to lighten up his grip or even better, let me go. As his grip becomes tighter, my vision begins to fade away.

My body flies up, my breathing heavier than ever. I feel a hand touch my waist, a scream flying past my lips.

"Baby, it's me. It's alright, it's just me." I look over to see Shannon, an alarmed look on his face.

Calming down, my eyes never leave his face. The light of the moon paints his face perfectly, showing the lines and curves of his sculptured face.

His hazel eyes glow magically, as they peer at me with worry. A small smile forms on my face, the look in his eyes becoming content. I bring my right hand up, placing it on his left cheek. Nuzzling into my palm, his beard tickles my hand.

A small knock takes us out of our moment, both of our eyes moving towards the closed bedroom door.

"Mommy? Daddy?" Dinah's small voice is heard, Shannon getting out of bed and walking towards the door.

Opening it, our little girl is stood in front of us, her stuffed animal, the white unicorn from Despicable Me, in her hands.

"Is everything okay? I heard mommy scream, and it scared me." Dinah explains, looking between Shannon and I.

"We're okay, princess." Shannon picks her up, placing her on his hip. "Mommy had a bad dream, is all."

Shannon comes back to the bed, putting Dinah down on the bed. She quickly moves to lay next to me, while Shannon crawls in behind her. Dinah cuddles up to me before cuddling up to Shannon, her eyes closing while a content smile is displayed on her face.

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