Saying goodbye

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Just before Carlos knew Kiera was from the future this happened.
Harris, who is the new "boss" calls in Kiera for an interview where Agent Gardiner joins in as a "neutral" third party. Alec listens in over Kiera's CMR. Harris and Gardiner both demand answers about Section Six, ordering Kiera to call her case officer. Alec scrambles to create a new cover for her. When Kiera refuses to cooperate to buy Alec more time, Harris calls out Kiera on the lack of family information in her record (whereas a crying Kiera mentioned a son to Harris in the bathroom before she realized who Harris was).
Kiera clutches Sam's toy soldier in her pocket when it drops to the floor. Gardiner picks it up before she can pick it back up, taunting her about her "imaginary" family. When he nearly breaks the toy, Kiera snaps. "He doesn't exist!" Kiera yelled, pinning Gardiner against the wall and threatening to kill him. Just then, her CMR automatically goes offline, sensing she's about to harm a fellow officer (mistaking Gardiner for CPS). She loses all communication with Alec when an internal "cognitive therapy" program called "Mr. Fairweather" activates, generating a holographic therapist that only she can see. To her confusion and dismay, she must now field questions from the very real Inspector Harris while simultaneously trying to regain control of her CMR from Mr. Fairweather.
As she goes to get some air, Mr. Fairweather follows her. He informs Kiera that if she fails to get up to eighty percent operationally efficiency within an hour, Mr. Fairweather will erase the memories causing her the most distress - those last memories of her son and her one remaining link to her family in the future - from her CMR permanently.
Kiera reasons with Mr. Fairweather to allow her to speak with Alec temporarily. Mr. Fairweather prevents all outside access to her CMR, even from its creator, leaving Alec with no way to remotely deactivate the program. Her brief communication with Alec is terminated as Betty interrupts Kiera's virtual therapy session.
She tells Kiera she's kept a set of tracking files on Kiera with several incriminating traces and videos of her with Liber8. There is also a record of Betty attending a Liber8 meeting, for her own reconnaissance, which could make it appear as though she is the department mole. Kiera must find a way to get into Betty's office to manually activate a full system wipe of her computer. Just as she feared, Betty gets fingered as the department mole and is detained.
With no other options, Kiera agrees to start her session with Mr. Fairweather. She expresses her guilt and grief at abandoning her family.

"I left him. I didn't even get to say goodbye."Kiera said looking down. "You know how kids are" Kiera realizes that he's a computer and chuckles as tears flood her eyes. "No you don't, so I'll tell you."the man stares with a straight face. "They always think it's their fault. I'm the one that left, that died. And I know that Sam lyes awake in bed every night thinking that there was something he could've done to prevent me from going to work that day. I just wish I could tell him it wasn't his fault"Kiera cried.
"So tell him it's not his fault" said Mr. Fairweather.
Mr. Fairweather encourages her to share these feelings with her son directly and pulls up a hologram of Sam. Kiera breaks down at seeing her son for the first time in months.
"He's not real" Kiera said looking at the counselor.
"He his a hologram from your memories that you seem to want to keep Kiera." He said as Kiera turned to Sam.
"Hi baby" Kiera cried as Sam looked at her and smiled. "God I miss you so much I'm so happy to see you "she said trying so hard to smile.
"I've been trying really hard to get back to you and your sister. And now I'm not sure that I can. and I know that you must think I'm dead and I wanna tell you so badly that I'm not .I'm sorry that I didn't get to say goodbye. I would never ever leave you. It's not your fault.  You and your sister are the best things that ever happened to me. I love you, i miss you every day, but I will always be with you"Kiera cried"I will always be with you" she repeated. "I promise..."she cried as her head dropped down. "and...and now I'm gonna let you go" Kiera said as she looked up at Sam and he began to disappear. Kiera shakes and breathes heavily as she looks at Mr. Fairweather
She ultimately accepts she may never get back to the 2077 she knew but that she won't stop fighting for her future. The cognitive therapy program ends and her CMR is restored.
"Kiera?!?" Alec called as Kiera looked up. "What happened?" He questioned through the radio in her CMR. Kiera explains everything to Alec and then walks to her desk.
"You okay Cameron?" Carlos questioned as Kiera looked down. "Hey?"
"I'm fine"Kiera said as Carlos sighed. "I'm not fine" she corrected herself.
"My sons birthday is today"Kiera said as Carlos looked down.
"Do you see him a lot?" He questioned as Kiera chuckled.
"Every day" Kiera said as Carlos smiled slightly and turned his chair around.

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