You dont understand

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"Why did you give up mom?" Paige questioned as Kiera looked down.
"I didn't give up Paige"Kiera stuttered.
"Then what did you do?" Paige asked as Kiera sighed. "It's like you are starting a new life here at this time"
"Paige we aren't going to go back!" Kiera said as Paige started to tear.
"All we need to do is build the time machine... All we need is the map" Paige cried. "I left my family to find you" Paige looked at Kiera angrily.
"And now you're just going to give up on everything, Sam, dad, and me"
"Sam and your father don't exist don't you get it!?" Kiera yelled.
"They don't exist"she repeated bluntly.
"And and now you're dating that man!" She cried as Kiera closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"If we find the diagram... We will go back home"Kiera said as Paige nodded.
Paige takes a picture out from her bag, it's Kiera holding Paige in her arms and Greg with Sam. Then a picture of Sam, Greg, and her before she left to look for her mom.
"What's that" Kiera questioned.
"My family" Paige said as Kiera sighed.
"Can I see?" Kiera questioned a Paige shook her head no.
"Paige, please" Paige looked down and gave Kiera the pictures.
Kiera began to sob as she looked at that family picture when she was home. Then she looked at the picture from Paige's Time and sighed.
"I am truly sorry!"she cried grabbing Paige's hand softly, and rubbing it with her thumb.
Paige nodded her head, grabbed the pictures back, and laid back down.
"There is no way to call Sam or Dad?" Paige questioned.
"No there is no way to contact any year" Kiera said as Paige scratched her head with confusion.
"I really don't understand this place" Paige said as Kiera nodded and chuckled.
"You know what" Kiera started, "we'll get through all of this together" Kiera grabbed Paige's hand softly.
"Thanks mom" Paige said as Kiera smiled and kissed her hand.
After having a talk with Paige, Kiera decided to go out with Brad because he says he found something.
Kiera and Brad went to a park late at night. He takes out two mettle things that control weather or not the future actually changed. If he puts the pieces together and something comes back, Then they failed. If something doesn't come back they both completed their jobs.
"Are you ready?" Kiera asked as he locked the two pieces together. Nothing happened for 30 seconds making Kiera and Brad happy till all the lights in the city shut off and a bright light then appears in the middle of the park. Then appears an army from the year Brad came from. Their devices were too strong and their suits were robot like.
"Run!" Brad yelled as Kiera ran for her life.
Brad tries to slow down the men, but even though they know who he is. They're still willing to kill Kiera.
One of the men follow Kiera into a small room. Kiera uses her cloaking suit but then gets shot by the man. His armer was to show him anything. Such as night vision, heat vision etc.
She quickly gets up and shoots him with her gun, which is doing the man no damage. Kiera runs out to the back parking lot circling around the truck and as soon as she felt safe she stopped. The man spotted her and blasted her into the truck. As soon as the men disappeared. The ambulance were called. Carlos, Alec, and Paige find Kiera Trying to wake her up. But, in Kiera's head... She began to get a dream.
"Welcome back Kiera Cameron" a nurse came into the hospital room. As Kiera looked around confused.
"Where am I?" Kiera questioned.
"Oh the real question is when" the nurse said with a smile.
"You have been asleep for 3 years" Kiera's eyes widen. "Your son has been waiting for you"
Sam walks in the room and hugs Kiera as she begins to cry heavily.
"You're so big!" Kiera cried.
"Kiera! Kiera!" Alec called as they shook her.
Kiera wakes up, sits up in panic and yells "SAM" as Kiera looked around and shaking her head no.
"Kiera it's okay"Carlos said as Paige starred at her mom afraid.
-home-Paige's POV
My mom yelled Sams name. She had to have a dream of something while she was knocked out.
And I blame everything on Brad. Why? Because those are his people, I just know it is.
"Paige" Alec said walking into my room.
"Alec I need to be alone" I said as he looked down.
"Is my mom okay?" I asked as he nodded. I got up from my bed and walked to the living room to where Kiera was.
"Hey" I said walking toward her.
"Where's Brad" I questioned as Kiera looked down.
"He went with the soldiers"Kiera said looking at the ceiling.
"I knew he was doing bad" I said to myself as Kiera rolled her eyes.
"He had no choice" Kiera said as I smile sarcastically.
"Mom I know he took the time machine map" I said as Kiera chuckled.
"Why would he do that?" Kiera questioned. "He's a great guy Paige"
"Is he? I mean he's literally the one who killed you.... your other you" Kiera looked at me with anger.
"People change " Kiera blurted as I shook my head no.
"He only had another chance because he forgot everything" I said as Kiera looked down. "Now that he's gone, don't you realize it's for your own good, our own good"
Kiera got up from the couch and walked to her room.
"Mom just listen to me fo---" Kiera slams the door shut.
"Why can't you just take it in a realize that what I am saying is true" I said as Kiera opened the door and dragged me into the room.
"You think I'm the only one who's doing bad?" Kiera questioned.
"Your boyfriend sent himself back a week! Which got me killed! He jerked with my timeline Paige...every little bit that was left is now gone!" Kiera said angrily. "And then you came along" I looked down.
"Kiera, if we do get back.... if you do get back" I paused.
"Me... I'm not going without you"Kiera said as I shook my head no.
"I'm a baby in 2077" I said as Kiera looked at me angrily.
"You are coming with me okay" Kiera said as I sighed.
"Mom you don't understand-"
"What don't I understand Paige?! You are coming with me no matter what! Because I can get you back to the year you came from"
"That's not how it works"
I didn't want to tell my mom this thing Alec (future him) told me. I don't know why I agreed to come here because when I go back with Kiera the whole plan will have failed.
"Let's just say everything will be different" I said as Kiera stood silent.
"I know but---"
"Mom" i said looking at Kiera seriously.
Kiera grabbed my arm and leaded me out her room.
"I need to rest" she said closing the door in my face.
"Alec" I called . I looked at my phone and get a message from him saying he went back home.

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