You lost

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~~~~~watch video when done with chapter, if you want to see everything that happened~~~~~(there is blood)~~~
"Kiera can't control my life"Paige said sitting beside Alec on the
front porch.
"Paige,she's your mother"Alec said as Paige shook her head.
"But, she's not my mom"Paige said as Alec looked at Paige confused" she didn't raise me, my father did. She'll be my mom when we arrive to 2077"
"Wait but what are you going to do? You can't stay there and pretend you don't know Kiera."Alec said as Paige.
"I already have a plan"Paige said looking down.
"What are you going to kill yourself?" Alec questioned as Paige stood quiet. Alec shook his head no as Paige looked away from him.
"You can't do that" Alec demanded as Paige got up from the chair and looked at Alec straight in the eyes.
"I have no choice" she said strongly as Alec shook his head no.
"Stay here, with me"Alec cried as Paige shook her head no and barged into the cabin seeing both Kiera and Brad kissing.
Kiera opened her eyes while kissing Brad and pushes him away as she sees Paige standing there surprised as tears flooded Her eyes. Kiera quickly got up from the couch and once she was about to walk to Paige , Paige ran out.
"Paige!"Kiera called as paige kept on walking. Kiera caught up to paige and grabbed her arm.
"What are you going to tell dad when we get back to 2077?"Paige questioned.
"He won't know a thing"Kiera said as Paige chuckled.
"Oh yea sure that's totally fine, you totally didn't cheat on dad"she said with sarcasm.
"Your dad doesn't exist !"Kiera yelled as Paige backed up. "Paige, he isn't born yet as a matter of fact we all aren't born yet!"
Paige sighed. "So Sam and dad are just a dream" Paige said as Kiera looked down. "Do you even hear what you're saying?!?" Paige cried."You have been here for way too long, Kiera "
Paige walked back to the cabin and sat right next to Alec again. Kiera followed Paige and went into the cabin.
"Is Paige alright?" Brad asked as Kiera sighed.
"No, she just wants to get back home"
While Kiera and Brad talked Paige went to show Alec the time machine map on how to make it,but it wasn't in her bag.
"Where is it" Paige said as she through everything out of her bag and didn't find anything.
"Paige you probably left it at the house" Alec said as Paige shook her head no.
"Ever since I came to 2013 I had it in my bag!"Paige cried.
"I need that or else I can't get back home!!" She yelled as Kiera and Brad ran out the cabin to Paige and looked at both Alec and her surprised.
"What happened?"Kiera questioned.
"The time machine papers. They aren't in my bag" Paige cried.
"Paige it's fine---"Kiera gets cut off.
"it's fine!?"she questioned. "I don't freakin know about you but I want to go home and see my family"Paige said as Kiera sighed.
Brad stayed shut the whole time not wanting to say a word as if he were hiding something.
After two days (back home) Kiera and Brad went on a mission to find liber8 but when they arrived, both Travis and Garza took them in and held them hostage.
"Tell us who you are" Garza demanded as she grabbed a nail gun and asked one more time. "Tell us who you are?!?" Brad looked at Kiera who was across from him and shook his head "this is all on you !" Garza said as she shoots down on Kiera's foot. Kiera screams. Garza and the others talk on the side trying to figure out if they should believe Kiera or Brad.
"Kiera...kiera"Brad called as she breaths heavily in pain. " kiera" he called once more as she looked at him. "I'm the one who killed you"
""Kiera said nervously. "Curtis chan, he killed the other me I saw him."
"You saw him shoot. your shoot stopped the bullet, you neutralized it somehow, I didn't miss." Kiera stood quiet. "I'm sorry." Kiera looked at Brad seriously then looked at his weapons on the table.
"What do your weapons do"Kiera asked as she continued trying to take the plastic strap off her wrist.
"Only one is a weapon the others aren't useful in this situation, what'd you read."
"I think they are trying to figure out if you are full of shit. "Kiera said angrily as she gives him the sharp object so that he can also release himself.
"I didn't tell them everything "he said as Kiera struggled to even look at her foot.
"Oh that seems to be your thing"Kiera said with a bit of attitude
"Oh god oh god oh god are you ready?"Kiera asked Brad as he shook his head no and answered,"Not yet"
Liber8 looks back at them and as soon as Travis starts to walk to them Kiera rips her foot off the ground leaving her to scream as she ran to the table limping. Travis ran after her and grabbed her by the neck, picking her up and throwing her onto a table.
"Good try Cameron" Sonya said pointing the gun at Kiera not realizing Kiera was still awake ,grabbed the gun from Sonya's hand and held it to her neck.
"This seems familiar"Kiera said as Sonya smiled.
"You can kill me or let me go, we already won the future"Sonya said as Kiera pressured the gun onto her head.
"Maybe the corporate  congress wins in this time but it losses in the line I come from (I killed your ass good)"Kiera said looking at Travis with a grin.
"in your dreams little girl"Travis says with a smile.
"Maybe dreams are more real then you think"Kiera said.
"When did you get to be so philosophical?"Sonya questioned lifting one eyebrow.
When I saw my own dead body,oh I wish I wish I can show you right now" Kiera said as everyone looked at Kiera confused.
Brad finally breaks the plastic strap and runs as Garza and Travis run after him. Garza shoots hysterically.
"He dies you die."Kiera whispers into Sonya's ear. Travis catches up to Brad and jumps him.
"So we are suppose to believe that you aren't you "Travis questions as Kiera nods.
"There are two Alec Sadlers"Kiera said as Garzas eyes widen.
"Bullshit "garza blurted.
"He made the time devise work he traveled back to change things and created another time line, this one. "
"Remember when I sprung you from the freelancers?
How I knew the story of the time you fell behind. That's because u and I had that conversation just before you died. TWO ALEC SADLERS THINK ABOUT IT! That's what created another future that this guy comes from" Kiera said looking at Brad "I guess your secret deal with Sandler just got a little bit complicated Garza. " Kiera says as they all looked at Garza confused.
"You work for Sandler?"Lucas questioned.
"No of course not"Garza said looking around awkwardly.
"He sent her back here back in 2077. if only you people knew what you don't know."Kiera said as Lucas starts passing back and forth swinging Brads gun around.
"We did this for nothing!?"Lucas questioned as Travis tried to calm him down.
But as soon as he pointed the gun to the wall, he fired. Making a whole.
"You all don't get it, everything you have done is all for nothing!"Kiera said moving the gun to Sonya's neck.
"Now you tell me something" Lucas said walking toward Brad
"About what?"Brad questioned
"About the future we made and what happens after."
"Everything turned into survival. Dogs ripped people to pieces and people were trying  to keep their families safe."
"Notice you all, are being used by someone else."Kiera said as
Kellog and Curtis barge into the room.
"Wow, look at us. The crew is back together"Kellog said as everyone pointed their guns at them.
As Kiera tries to convince them that they didn't win and that they should give up. Brad soon brings up who told him to shoot the other Kiera leading him to show a telegram of Kellog when he was an old man. Kellog looks at the telegram surprised and says "wait what, that's  me?!"
After watching the telegram everyone gives up, walks out the room as Sonya tries to tell them not to give up.
When the room finally got empty Kiera lets herself fall onto the seat in pain and Brad sits next to her.
Kiera and Brad look at each other  and both put their guns down signifying that they are finished.
After this they went back home, Kiera didn't want to go to the hospital so she let Brad fix it up.
"Where have you guys been?"Paige questioned as Kiera put her foot down in pain.
"What did you do to her?"Paige questions walking toward them.
"He did nothing Paige. I'll tell you what happened later."Kiera said as Paige looked at Brad and squinted her eyes slightly.
"Thank you Brad"Kiera said as Brad smiled.
After a few Kiera walks to Paige's room and sits down on the bed. "You okay?" Kiera questioned as Paige's blanket was over her body while she laid down.
"Yea...well no...not really" Paige stuttered as she slowly took the blanket off her head and sat up.
~~~To be continued!~~~VOTE~~~COMMENT~~PLEASE!!~~~

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