We are back

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-I can't belive we're back here, Dipper, this is going to be so much fun.

-Yeah, is going to be fun, allthough it'll not going to be the same without our uncles.

-I'm sure they'll rush right back the second they find out that we came back.

-Yeah, maybe, I hope so.

-I'm sure they're allready there waiting for us.

-Well, we're about to find out, we're here.

Looks like every single person in town is waiting for them, this is going to be very entertaining, and if not, then I'll make it so, this is going to be so much fun, their adventure from a few years back is one of my favourites, to find out what is next, and more, to be part of it is amaizing, so, let's see what's waiting for us.

~Dipper is struggling to get his luggage out of the bus~

-Hey, need any help there, Dipper, that looks a little to heavy for you.

-No, no, I'm...*huf*...fine.

-You sure?


-Ok, if you say so, Mabel, need any help?

-No, no, I'm fine, unlike Dipper, I have a little bit of muscle on my arms ;P.

-Haha, very funny.

-That actually was prety funny.

-Oh c'mon, I'm not that weak.

-Yes you are, we both told you to start training a little instead of burying your nose in books all day.

-She's right, you know, you really should start working out a little, not much, just so  you can be able to lift more then your sister, nothing wrong in having a little muscle along with that zombie feast of yours, work out a little bit of charm too, maybe get a girlfriend, that would be the only thing you would beat me at if you tried at least.

-Is that a chalange?

-If it makes you improve yourself then yes.

-Ok then, prepare to lose.

-Don't say "hop" before you jump.

~Dipper succeds in exiting the bus, leaving Mabel and him alone, loud cheers can be heard~

-He's become much more competitive over the years.

-Well, that's because of you.

-Why me?

-You're the only one that can beat him when it comes to intelectual stuff.

-You've become a little more mature too over the years.

-Well, everyone changes, right?

-Right, well, let's see how they greet you after three years.

-I'm more curious how the people will react to you when they get to know you.

-I'll get a fanclub, what else.

-Hahaha, good one.

-A sarcastic laugh? was it that bad?

-Yes, yes it was.

-When are you two going to come out. 

-Coming, coming, jeez.

-Let's go before he gets mad.

-Isn't he allredy mad, anyway, what do you think, will he make girlfriend this time?

-Well, you chalanged him, so I have my hopes up, how about you take a target too so you show him that you are actally serious about this chalange.

-He, that would be a first, but mind as well give it a try, find out what this whole love thing I've been hearing about is.

-Well, everything has a start, right?

-Right, let's  go before he starts screaming again, then again, people might think it's an opera and start paying, but the bus windows will break.

-Hahaha, that was much better.

-The D jokes allways make you laugh.


-Now Let's go.


~they grab their luggage~

-I've been meaning to ask, why do you only have a small backpack?

-I don't need much.

Actually I have my own pocket dimension where I keep all my stuff and I can get there, get what I want and get back in less then a blink of an eye.

~they are at the door~

-Ladies first.

-Oh my, how nice of you.

-That's not it, the next one one that exits will be assaulted and I want you to keep them bussy whil I get out of here, you know I don't like attention, and I know you like attention, so it's a win-win.

-Of course you wouldn't be a gentleman.

-There are no more knights in shining armor.


~Mabel walked out of the bus and, as he said, she was surrounded in a second and while she was greeted, he went to the back of the bus and phased through the wall and sneaked away from the mob, he saw Dipper staying on the other side of the bus from the mob~

-Psst, Dipper.

-Finaly, what took you so long?

-I don't like attention, remember?

-Right, should we wait for her?




What will happen next? if you're asking this question then that means that you enjoy this book and I am happy for it, well, anyway, this is the final of this chapter, is about 2 AM now and I should go to sleep so, see you in the next chapter.Ah and also I would like to ask you if I should bring them to other worlds after I tell them who I am, like bringing them to the world of undertale for example, or even in the Marvel world if you so desire, it can be anything, movie, drama, anime, another cartoon, anything.


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